just because Tito is going to retire coleman that doesn't mean he gets to retire his generic nickname too :)

True about the "hammer" rip off.

At least it's not another "assasian" nick.

Christ, how many of those is there?

I hope the Antidote Hammer can rape Jenna's boyfriend

ttt for UFC Hall of Famer, Mark Coleman


What a dumb thread!

Many of us are fans of both Tito and Mark because we're old school fans and know what both guys have been through in their search to make MMA what it is today."

I can field this one:

Tito is a thief, yes I said it, and not a little one...

You see there is documented proof of people doing things that Tito went on to claim as his own.

Look up an old UFC Josh Barnett fight, you will witness him doing something that Tito went on to claim as his own known as the "grave digger."

He then saw Randleman doing something when he got into the ring that was intense as hell, him jumping up and down, need I say what Tito did after seeing that?

The bottom line is that I respect Tito's ability in the cage, but he is a fucking thief.

You want to see something really lame, go watch Tito say his rehearsed shit talking with Chuck before their first fight.

Now he is saying something about Coleman that every opponent has said to him over the past 5 years.

Our problem isnt with Tito telling Mark he is going to retire him its that fact he isnt original... hence this thread.

BTW my advice to Mark was that he keeps one hand on his wallet at weigh ins.

PS: does anyone know if he stole any moves from Shad Smith?

ttt for hamma time


The Tito Ortiz "charicter" is lame and all of Hammer House has said that about him for years...


He may have stole the blond hair from Kevin too.

ttt, Coleman will make Tito bleed, a lot

The bottom line is that we at The Hammer House have talked about it and want Tito to do his standard pre fight shit talk.

Tito, we dare you to brake bad on Coleman in Portland, by all means throw the gauntlet down and watch what happens...

You people as fans of the sport are going to hear some of the most amazing pre fight interviews ever, we will promise that...

I love shit talking.


How does Coleman see this fight going? Beat down in the first round or is he gonna stand and KO him?

Good pic


I think that karma takes a role in this match.

When Tito held down Shamrock and threw those 300 elbows, I see GNP in Tito's future as payback.

To quote Tito "Ha ha ha ha ha," Tito's gonna beat Mark's ass and there isn't a thing Hammer House can do about it because he'd beat Randleman's and Wes' ass at any weight. Good luck Wes, I hope you didn't do the ultimate career killer and get beat by Kimbo

Tito will have ring rust. Coleman has fought Shogun and Boner dammit!

TTT for The Hero and Hammer House!