10 Nick Diaz punch combinations



Ttt Phone Post 3.0

NatualBornTickler - Sick vid, you make that op ?? Phone Post 3.0
Naw, I would have used different music! Phone Post 3.0

Great fighter. I can't believe the UFC is fucking penny pinching the Diaz bros. Pay these dudes so I can watch em fight! Phone Post 3.0

thank you !

Nice! VU


Great vid. Diaz has some Ls on the record but rarely loses the fight. Ko'd Lawler and made Condit sell his soul and everything he believes in to scrape out a razor and controversial dec.

The Daley fight is basically the best one round fight ever. Ate some bombs and Daley eventually wilted (although a touch of a quick stoppage )

Nick is the shit, best hands in MMA

Nick is awesome to watch. Punches in bunches.

I heart him!! Phone Post 3.0

RowdyBec - I heart him!! Phone Post 3.0

Oh wow, your still alive?! :p

Letibleu -
RowdyBec - I heart him!! Phone Post 3.0

Oh wow, your still alive?! :p

Lol I've been lurking a lot lately :) Phone Post 3.0

RowdyBec - 
Letibleu -
RowdyBec - I heart him!! Phone Post 3.0

Oh wow, your still alive?! :p

Lol I've been lurking a lot lately :) Phone Post 3.0

So when is your next Invicta fight?











just kidding :p

When I turned on the game this morning it said there was a fighter update and it downloaded but I don't know whats different.

Anyone else get this? Phone Post 3.0

Great stuff! Does anyone know if he is naturally a righty or lefty? Phone Post 3.0

awesome vid.

but the money isnt the issue with Nick. he only want a title fight from what ive heard. right?

In Phone Post 3.0

Give Nick a money fight with A. Silva for his return. If he wins, get him that title shot.

This goes against things I've said in the past about legitimizing the sport, but F it, I wanna see this! Phone Post 3.0