any help is appreciated :) PLease pass keep this thread going
Wow..I'm filing this kid away in my mind. Can't wait to see where he goes. Thanks for sharing!
Why do people have to ruin the great things there kids do by giving them fucking stupid white trash haircuts!?
Kid's great...hope he doesn't get burned out by 18 though.
Kids overrated. He's never really fought top competition in the top promotion. That former champ he faced is washed out.
or the Ruffo brothers, they're freakin scary for that age:
With a name like Magnus you better be damn good at something
Spoonie Luv - Kids overrated. He's never really fought top competition in the top promotion. That former champ he faced is washed out.
3'8" at ten years old? Do you mean 54"?
Dan Hardy shrunk and learnt to wrestle?
My Uncle has two boys from Thailand in his basement.
He brought them back from his vacation.
Guess he is training MMA.
They must be prodigies in Thai boxing.
We have a tuff kids curcuit in California. We love to see him at one of our open events and possibly an All Star Show if he does well.
Big kids only tournament coming up on Nov 13th.
See for more info.
We have alot of good kids around his size and weight if he can make it down to California on th 13th.
very small for a ten year old but daft haircut aside he clearly has promise and I hope he dosn't get burned out or take the wrong path
kids that have been wrestling only from the age he started "MMA" will pass most mma kids very fast as late teens
It sucks that i post videos of a 10 year old that has accomplished more than most of the posters on this forum asking for help for sponsorship opportunities for a child that will be a professional fighter and all i get is back handed compliments ( kids good... i hope he doesnt burn out) (kids that wrestle will surpass kids that train "mma") and jokes about his name and haircut.
If adults have nothing better to do then to insult and trivialize accomplishments of a little kid then you guys dont deserve to post on this site.
Hunington Punk why did you parenthesize MMA ? "MMA"
This kid trains in MMA and has for years. His BJJ Coach is a Rilion Gracie BB his boxing coach was a USA team coach and an alternate for Shane Mosley on the US nationals team, his MMA coaches are active professional fighters. He attends all practices and does everything the adults do.
Thats what makes this kid specical and why i am here looking to help further his training.
What have you ever done in your "MMA" career?
I agree hes young... but i see companies manufacturing and distributing youth mma gear. its customary in traditional martial arts and even boxing for accomplished kids to have some help with gear and equipment from sponsors.