13 screws in Nate Quarry's face..

 Have some respect, guys.

We were at the Charlotte fight.

We were sitting in the 5th row and could literally hear the shots Riviera landed.

Nate is one tough SOB. Get well soon...


 Yikes that looks rough.  He's a tough cat for sure.

Blazing Knees -  

There ya go. Pre surgery

holy fucking shit it doesn't even look like him


get well soon nate

Me 'n' Jorge


MentaL -  you sure thats even nate?

lips are the same, but in that pic that's the only recognizable detail.

i've met the guy and he took a pic with me, i chalk the notice up to that. no romo.

it's him. the hand with the cam is covering his left bicep with the bigger tattoo.

damn Nate, get well soon man.


God damn he looks like Peter Aerts

It's guys like Nate that make this sport so great. Hope he heals well.

But am I the only one that's getting tired of seeing him get hurt. He's got the heart of a lion no doubt, but man, when he goes down, he hits every branch on the way. He's tore up after every fight it seems. 

As much as I like watching these guys fight I don't want to see them take so much damage they can't live normal lives after this.

KenBania - He took that pic in the mirror, so thats the right side! The left must be really bad.

Is this really sly humour? Or do you not know how mirrors work?

I can never tell with this place.

That's the kind of attitude and spirit this sport is all about. Fan for life.


^^^ LMFAO!!! Wish I could vote you up!

That's NOT Nate Quarry you fuckin' retards.

Where are the tattoos on the left arm that you clearly see in his pic of Jorge hitting him.

Pay attention guys.

That's brutal. Hope he recovers fully.

0321 - That's NOT Nate Quarry you fuckin' retards.

Where are the tattoos on the left arm that you clearly see in his pic of Jorge hitting him.

Pay attention guys.

Dude...he is taking the picture in a MIRROR...so it is reversed...lol the huge tribal tattoo is on his LEFT arm..which is the same arm that he is holding the camera...so it is obstructed. the other tattoo (dragon thing) is somewhat visible on the unobstructed arm..

Is this not obvious that he is taking it in a mirror, and that reverses the image? lol