I posted not to long ago and recieved some replies.Im a pro at 155 lbs record is NHB 5-6 THAI 8-2 KICKBOXING 3-1 SHIDOKAN 1-1. If you are a promoter or a fighter looking for a 155 lbs pro , post it up and or send me an E-mail to grubbon1@yahoo.com. Thanks for the replies that were posted last time.....PEACE


contact brett@thefightparty.com or jj@casca-grossa.com
w/contact info...............



where are you located, etc.

Hey thanks JJ I talked to Brett the other day something might come of it. Im located in Atlanta to respond to the other reply. It is just to slow here with alot of down time between fights.


  1. email your credentials to kirk for a green name. This will validate your statement. (kirik@mma.tv)

  2. TTT (to the top) this thread daily. This will ensure people in your area will see it.

  3. my fee for this information is any knowledge of a good farm pond that I can have a lifetime privilage of using.

take care my friend!!

P.S. any rumors of me sexually abusing live stock that you may heard have not been proven in a court of law!!

ttt for Harris

assasin, where you from?


smallville is harris norwood, an excellant kickboxer and very exciting fighter.

Hey charles give me a call..I might be heading that way for a couple of days.