2 stripe white not ready for blue...

thanks tubuku,

Yeah, 4 stripe blackbelt is qualified to determine what color you should wear around your waist. Everyone has moments where they question whether they are fit to wear the rank.

Sensible advice on this thread...my advice would be to heed it!

Your instructor knows what's best. How do you do against higher belts??? Phone Post

Every time I had a great leap in skill is when I got promoted. Phone Post


Blue is a big deal because most people quit or fall out of bjj before earning it...but to people that stick with it, blue seems kinda whateva

Its a big deal to me because it represents all the hard work I put into getting there. I don't catch on to the techniques as easily as others, and many times I just wanted to give it up, and I did, only to go back every time. Many times it sucked to train hard, only to have a new student pass me up in a matter of months. Now that I've been consistent for a year, to have a teacher of that caliber offer me a rank from two stripe to blue....its a big compliment.

Poopstripe is correct, if I had stuck with it from the beginning, it wouldn't be that big of a deal. Blue to me is a testament to my hard work I put on the mat after half assing it for several years. I'm sure if and when I make it to purple it won't mean as much, because ill already have taken that first step of a thousand miles and didn't quit.

tubuku01 - when I make it to purple it won't mean as much, because ill already have taken that first step of a thousand miles and didn't quit.

I don't know, getting my purple was a bigger deal than the blue. Felt like I had to work a lot harder for it. Also felt like it meant a lot more. Biggest jump imo is blue to purple.

Yea you're making the blue belt out to be too big a deal. Most people still pretty much suck when they get their blue belt. All it means is that you've got the basics down and you're not a complete beginner anymore.