Both Gabriel Sabaitis (the judge who scored the bout a clean sweep, 30-27 in Guida’s favor) and Clay Guida are Illinois representatives. Fair enough, UFC on FOX 6 was hosted by the United Center in Chicago, Illinois. It’s not baffling to know that the Chicago Sports Commission would employ the services of a local judge.
But the relationship between Guida and Sabaitis stretches a bit more. See, Sabaitis and Guida are also “Facebook friends.” Big deal, you ask? Maybe, maybe not.
From a neutral stance, it seems a bit questionable that a man assigned the task of judging two fights on one card would just so happen to draw a bout featuring a hometown favorite. It also seems a bit questionable that no one would question the depth of Sabaitis and Guida’s relationship, given their online status as acquaintances.
Does Gabriel really know Clay? It’s tough to say. For all we know, the two may have never shared any communication other than a “friend accept” in the vast expanse of the interwebs. But if a commission aims to ensure fair judging, it seems as though a hint of research might ensue prior to assigning judges specific tasks.
Pretty strange, sorry if this has already been posted.
Fuck. Does anyone have copy/paste tips for this site? The format always looks so shitty...
Cool angle though
Clay is ALWAYS at local shows. This judge has been around the local MMA scene for a VERY long time according to those who know him.
His reasoning for round 1 posted in another thread was laughable:
This is from Gabriel
"I felt all 3 rnds were real close. Guida has an awkward style to score. I felt his aggression and TD out weighed (barely) Hioki's effective striking in the 1st. I also marginally gave him rnds 2&3...barely. But there's no half point scoring in MMA! There's 3 Judges for a reason. If both Judges gave it 29-28 Hioki and I gave it 30-27 Guida, then YES!! I am the new Cecil Peoples! But one DIDN'T!! And he's one of the most experienced Judges in the business!! He had it 29-28 Guida!! So that means he agrees with me more than the other Judge!! But this fight was so close it could've been 29-28 Hioki, no doubt. I respect everyone who believes Hioki won. I'm an open minded Judge, but I stand by my decision and it was made by using The MMA Judging Criteria NOT favoritism! My brother could be fighting and still wouldn't give him an undeserved decision!!!"
How many other fighters is he friends with because if it's the entire roster this theory goes to shit 
Letibleu -
Cool angle though
In fairness, my friend tweeted it to me.
Time to discuss professional conflicts of interest. Where to draw the line.
Like Big John refereeing a fighter that trains at his gym. Except BJM disclosed that tie. This judge probably did not.
Calling "The Mouth" calling "The Mouth".....
Can you get Gabriel up in this nitch already? Shit is getting real...
I think it's more flattering to think this guy is biased because the alternative is that he FUCKING SUCKS at his job.
this is classic chitown shannanegans...most corrupt city in the US...
brianlg -
I enjoy the judges response. however, on rounds that are so narrow, force a 10-10. If anything, that fight was a DRAW. 30-27 very inaccurately describes either fighters performance. 
The first round was not close at all. The rest of his response is reasonable, and I can understand the 29-28 giving Clay 2+3 based on the shitty way the cureent scoring is written. Round 1 in unexcusable. Terrible.
Whether it's a biased decision or not, the athletic commission is completely stupid for allowing this judge to do Guida's fight. What the heck were they thinking? 
A similar situation happened in the nfl, a replacement ref during the lockout was a fan (of the saints i think?) and just had a picture of himself in a saints jersey on facebook, didn't know any players or even facebook friends, and he was removed from reffing the saints hours before the game. The NFL has their shit together though
And it would be hard to not be biased in a close fight for a fighter you know, intentionally or not. Do I think it was corrupt? No. But it is possible the judge would favor Guida in a close round because of some bias, not any different from fans of fighter being convinced that fighter won the close rounds.