60 Punches = New Goldie phrase

It's his 3rd time using this free hand fight stat. Phone Post

Who cares? Phone Post

Lol he's counting while he talk.. mmmhmm Phone Post

yeah heard it twice in the natal/kuiper fight and i was barely listening.

Lol i knew there would be a thread on this :-) Phone Post

"more than 60 punches" "teep" "lookin' to finish this fight" "oh my!"

They could replace Goldie with a clip machine, and I'm not sure that anybody would notice.

"Landed over 50 strikes on the ground" 

I swear Joe and Goldie have to have an inside meow-type joke going on with these Goldie-isms.  Like last card the challenge was to slip in "ultra" as much as he could, and this week its "60 punches."

Gotta be the case....otherwise this is just silly.

 "60 punches!" I wonder if he has a been counter in front of him.....

lol..."Werdum has landed nearly 60 more punches than Roy Nelson tonight."

They are keeping stats. Theyve flashed them up next to the clock several times. I doubt hes just making it up Phone Post

SlightlyStoopid - They are keeping stats. Theyve flashed them up next to the clock several times. I doubt hes just making it up Phone Post

Even with the stats sponsored by Dodge, it sounds fabricated coming out of Goldie's mouth. Phone Post