7 year old Sage

Fight4Food -
TakinAllFades -

Not something to brag about sage. Obviously you were being drugged before you were even 10 years old. I don't care how much calisthenics you do, a 7 year old kid way before puberty does not have enough testosterone to produce a physique like that. And with his dad's criminal past of selling steroids I'm surprised child protective services didn't step in. 

That's fuckin sad.

And u are scientist or smth ?

No but I have common sense. He coulda been all natural I guess but I'd be surprised as fuck. My Brother had a 6 pack when he was a little kid for some odd reason but not like this. This right here is more then just a six pack.

ttiger1 -
Deaf Forever -

He just did calisthenics.  Not really that weird, just uncommon since most kids prefer to play videogames, little league baseball and watch Pixar movies at that age.

He started cycling in his later teens no question though

Sorry dude, but that's not natural Phone Post 3.0
It isn't at all, his fuckin rib cage even has the look of PED users. Dark shit to drug a kid that age Phone Post 3.0

UKLogHog77 - Wasn't Chris Benoit doing this to his kid? Phone Post 3.0
Yes and lil Hercules, there are dads out there psycho enough to do this and sages dad fits the mold Phone Post 3.0

One joint would turn Sage into Ari Shaffir. Phone Post 3.0

Freaky as fuck Phone Post 3.0

Flexo -
HandyDarsh - Sage is going to snap one day Phone Post 3.0
Agreed Phone Post 3.0
This Phone Post 3.0

Fahqhard - Same weird haircut all his life Phone Post 3.0
This dafuc it hasn't changed at all Phone Post 3.0

shaqitup -
Fahqhard - Same weird haircut all his life Phone Post 3.0
This dafuc it hasn't changed at all Phone Post 3.0

His dad's probably not ready to let him start making decisions about his hair yet.  Maybe when he's 40.

Shanebone - Dudes got an 8 pack at 7. Phone Post 3.0
Stray Jr. is skinny as fuck at 7 but has got the sick abs.

Phone Post 3.0

Straydog24 -
Shanebone - Dudes got an 8 pack at 7. Phone Post 3.0
Stray Jr. is skinny as fuck at 7 but has got the sick abs.

Phone Post 3.0
Did you just post a pic of your kids body? Phone Post 3.0

mkou -
Straydog24 -
Shanebone - Dudes got an 8 pack at 7. Phone Post 3.0
Stray Jr. is skinny as fuck at 7 but has got the sick abs.

Phone Post 3.0
Did you just post a pic of your kids body? Phone Post 3.0
Yeah bro. If you think this is weird you may have deeper issues. Phone Post 3.0

Straydog24 -
Shanebone - Dudes got an 8 pack at 7. Phone Post 3.0
Stray Jr. is skinny as fuck at 7 but has got the sick abs.

Phone Post 3.0
Kid looks like a beast, you should be a proud papa. Phone Post 3.0

Straydog24 -
mkou -
Straydog24 -
Shanebone - Dudes got an 8 pack at 7. Phone Post 3.0
Stray Jr. is skinny as fuck at 7 but has got the sick abs.

Phone Post 3.0
Did you just post a pic of your kids body? Phone Post 3.0
Yeah bro. If you think this is weird you may have deeper issues. Phone Post 3.0

i think the rule is, post nothing below 18, got several threads removed, guess some mods have their own rules?

Dead President - He's going to write a book one day about an abusive and controlling father... Phone Post 3.0

This. Remember that "Little Hercules" (iirc) kid ? I read something about him lately about how messed up his dad was making him train, eat a certain way etc. sad shit

As the father of two great kids I think it's sad that you can't post a pic of your kid these days without worrying about some sick fuck jerking off to it or being called a pedo for posting an innocent pic of your kid.

Either way, lesson learned. Phone Post 3.0

It was just stupid to post a pic from that angle. DUH!

Straydog24 -
mkou -
Straydog24 -
Shanebone - Dudes got an 8 pack at 7. Phone Post 3.0
Stray Jr. is skinny as fuck at 7 but has got the sick abs.

Phone Post 3.0
Did you just post a pic of your kids body? Phone Post 3.0
Yeah bro. If you think this is weird you may have deeper issues. Phone Post 3.0
Ok. I'm the weirdo for thinking that posting a pic of your kids body from that angle is a bit akward. Got it. Phone Post 3.0

Huey freman -
Curloftheburl - He has the exact same haircut now Phone Post 3.0
He's not allowed to change it. Phone Post 3.0
Lmao Phone Post 3.0

DubsAli -
Dead President - He's going to write a book one day about an abusive and controlling father... Phone Post 3.0

This. Remember that "Little Hercules" (iirc) kid ? I read something about him lately about how messed up his dad was making him train, eat a certain way etc. sad shit

Yea hes pretty much fat now and works at disneyland or someshit Phone Post 3.0

mkou -
Straydog24 -
mkou -
Straydog24 -
Shanebone - Dudes got an 8 pack at 7. Phone Post 3.0
Stray Jr. is skinny as fuck at 7 but has got the sick abs.

Phone Post 3.0
Did you just post a pic of your kids body? Phone Post 3.0
Yeah bro. If you think this is weird you may have deeper issues. Phone Post 3.0
Ok. I'm the weirdo for thinking that posting a pic of your kids body from that angle is a bit akward. Got it. Phone Post 3.0
Wtf is weird about it? It looks like he quickly snapped a pic from the position his son was already laying in to show that his son has abs at 7 as well. What's the big deal? Would it be ok If he was standing up next to a body of water getting ready to go swimming?
Vu stray Phone Post 3.0