fugazi2007 - I respect Kirik so I won't continue to engage here, but for one more thing...

Calling those whose question a government that stone-walled an investigation for two years as tin foil hatters shows your Orwellian ability to ignore the truth.

 ha ha....i'll stop....RIGHT AFTER THIS ONE LAST LINE!


911 Was an Inside Job. Support the 9/11 First Responders

mmaguy30 - This thread, like so many others, was started with the greatest of intent and purpose, it has deteriorated and rotted so quickly. Many of the posts here are the work of pure idiots, with pure hate in their hearts, Its really fucking sad.

God Bless every one of those innocent people that died that morning.

And to hell with the fucking turds who soil their memory with ridiculous conspiracy theory's and bullshit accusations, fuck you all.

People are dying to this day. The 9/11 First Responders are dying by the thousands, and have been forgotten by this country.

Remember the dead...but fight for the living.

9/11 was an inside job. DOWN WITH THE NEW WORLD ORDER


WTC #7 is the most bothersome issue. There is no good reason for it falling and Larry Silverstein even said the decision was made to pull the building. Thats fine but what the fuck was that building already rigged with explosives for and what was in that building that needed to be destroyed? If they can bring that building down its not far fetched to think the other buildings were also pulled.


rumbler - The terrorist take credit for it, but that just isn't good enough for you dipshits…Don't you think that it would be beneficial to Al Qaeda if our government really did do it? They would know that a video tape of Osama saying "Hey, we didn't do it... your own government did!" would hurt the US government immensely.You pieces of shit just want to connect yourself in some way to this horrible tragedy. You are the drones. You believe this outlandish lie because you think it sets you apart from everyone else and some how makes you feel special.

 God bless the family's who lost a loved one to this terrorist attack.

So where is Al Qaeda in witch country? And who is Al Qaeda who finances them? What is USA government doing about it? Are they still looking for him in Iraq. SAdam Husain is dead why is usa army still in Iraq , Why did Bush Sr and CIA put Husain in power in iraq research then say its all a conspiracy.

Where is Osama why is he's family seen with President George Bush just before 9\11 why did they all get to leave usa and why do they still have on going business deals between the family's ?

 Its a shame that every 9/11 thread will be infected by losers who like to play "choose your own adventure" with national tragedies.

"It sounded like a missile to me"

covh14514 - WTC #7 is the most bothersome issue. There is no good reason for it falling and Larry Silverstein even said the decision was made to pull the building. Thats fine but what the fuck was that building already rigged with explosives for and what was in that building that needed to be destroyed? If they can bring that building down its not far fetched to think the other buildings were also pulled.


Wait, what?

 Not that I give these arguments any regard, but I have to respond to this gem.

"this country was built through war blood and murder...... "


How are countries built? What is your level of understanding of European history? Japanese? Russian?

When was the cut-off point in history when conquering new territory and expanding your empire became mean and unacceptable?

What is the difference in ethics between native American tribes taking out rival tribes and Europeans dominating and settling N America?

Would it have been ok if they used arrows and blades and not guns? Or is their country of origin the problem?

How long do you have to live on a piece of land before its yours for keeps? Does the Native Americans likely migration from Asia affect their claim to be the only real Americans now and forever?

Why glorify Egypt, Ghengis Khan, etc but penalize white Europeans for being the most advanced and best at spreading their influence?

When you can address, let alone answer these kinds of questions then Ill take claims like that seriously.



Nation marks 7th anniversary of terror attacks


covh14514 - WTC #7 is the most bothersome issue. There is no good reason for it falling and Larry Silverstein even said the decision was made to pull the building. Thats fine but what the fuck was that building already rigged with explosives for and what was in that building that needed to be destroyed? If they can bring that building down its not far fetched to think the other buildings were also pulled.

WTC 7 collapse findings:  www.nist.gov/public_affairs/releases/wtc082108.html

Popular Mechanics did a line by line debunking of all the most popular conspiracy theories about 9/11. When Silverstein gave that interview he was talking about pulling the firefighters who were trying to save the building. There was a fully involved fire burning for over 8 hours that was being fulled by the back up electrical systems diesel generators fuel lines that ran through certain sections of the building. Coupled with the type of building design it was, caused the collapse. Because the taken out of context phrase "pull it", Popular Mechanics went back and interviewed him for this story and asked him what he could have meant by that.

As for the conspiracy theorists I say this:

I have a M.S. in Electrical Engineering as well as one in Material Science Engineering. I thought the explanations about the post 9/11 investigations with regard to the building failures at the WTC site, the pentagon crash site, and the Flight 93 crash site, were well balanced to give the common reader enough technical explanation without it being overwhelming. I also thought that the post collapse investigations done by NIST with some of the foremost experts from industry were really hard to argue with.

Unless of course, you are an armchair materials, building design, and aircraft crash expert. Then when things just don't "seem right" to you it must be a conspiracy. That's what makes me roll my eyes the most at 9/11 conspiracy theorists. They always say things like "no way a building like dat collapses in 6 seconds, no way, doesn't seem right to me". Well, just run your mouth pal instead of going and getting the fundamental education that would help you get over your "feelings" and get some true understanding in math and science and how they are applied in the natural world. "Na, I'd rather just talk about it". Yeah, I know.  

I feel bad for people who actully think 9/11 was a inside job. Fucken Dumbass's.