A favor for autism


My son is autistic and was diagnosed when he was 18 months old. He has been in therapy for 4 1/2 years and earlier today graduated from general education Kindergarten and will be in gen. ed. first grade in the fall. He's come a long way and I'm very proud of him.

The more that people continue to raise awareness of autism, the more we can provide early intervention and therapy for the 1 in 150 children that are affected by it.


TTT for a good cause!

BTW what did Erik the Yellow say?

Like Supercan, my closest friend has a son who is autistic. They caught it when he was three, and he has been going to a school for autistic children for the past year.

My wife and I have parties and cookouts all throughout the summer, and it's tough to watch my three healthy "normal" kids run around and play with the other kids and his poor son kind of just do his own thing. It sucks.


I am also a father of 4 year old autistic boy. You really can't imagine the level of emotional pain to see your son struggle with things every other parent takes for granted. I would suffer 10,000,000 Fedor beatings to change this even the slightest bit.

Fortunately I didnt see ETR's statement. But if they find that a cure rests in the spine of pathetic, gutless, internet trolls, you can be sure I will find him and rip his out with my bare hands.

My son is almost three and on the autism spectrum. I'm blessed he's very high functioning and social and affectionate. I'm also very lucky to be finacially able to get the best treatments and therapy for (so far over $12,000 a year). My heart goes out to those who can't afford it so please pass on this post to your friends.


*edited for bad spelling

Erik the Red is a pussy. What he posted doesnt matter. Get that video some views.


"Their heart is certainly in the right place, but the video seems to have conflicting themes. It preaches acceptance and support of those with autism, while also calling for it to be wiped out. Though my knowledge is limited on the subject, autism is something you could never really "cure", only maybe prevent. Curing it would mean creating something that was never there, even as an embryo. Maybe it is just me, but this whole "wipe it out like the plague" idea seems a little demeaning to the many functional members of society with autism"

Why? Just like any disease or affliction we should treat those afflicted with respect and understanding. But we still want to cure it! We don't have to pretend it isn't a problem while we find a treatment or solution. Before we found a cure for polio, I think it would be fair to say we shouldn't look down on those with it, yet still understand we would rather them not have it.

As far as a "cure" for autism, it is tough when we haven't even isolated a cause. but research is making great strides in not only developing therapies, but getting closer to finding if the cause can be genetic, enviromental, or pre-disposed genes that are mutated or affected by enviromental or outside forces.

"My wife and I have parties and cookouts all throughout the summer, and it's tough to watch my three healthy "normal" kids run around and play with the other kids and his poor son kind of just do his own thing. It sucks."

I feel the exact same way as this. I feel bad telling my friend about things my kids say or do. Very tough.

Erik the Red...before you start talking to me like I'm your bitch, STOP LYING! I never edited a post. I did post somewhere that you kill me sometimes, but it certainly wasn't on this thread. I was disgusted from the moment I saw what you posted. I would have never, ever, ever, posted on this thread that I even remotely thought that what you posted was funny.

You can't even post an actual apology and you call me the spineless whore?


I think I heard somewhere that some scientists believe that Autism may be caused by environmental factors like pollution.

Being as some of you have autistic children I wonder if you could enlighten me and other interested people on this subject or if I'm just dead wrong.

Also, I actually never heard of Autism until a few years ago when Dean Koontz wrote a book with an autistic character.

Don't know how accurate it was but it was interesting.

They don't know what causes it for sure. Some say genetics, some say environment, some say immunizations, no clear answer.

I have a brother with autism. It's no joke.

Thanks to those in this thread who have done their part to support the cause.

I've also heard immunizations are a culprit due to mercury being in alot of them.

Just watched the video.

Very touching, TTT.