justinthevikingwren - Gif? Phone Post 3.0


Brigham - Phoenix Jones just beat some jackass with a head scissors...

Why is his opponent a jackass? Phone Post 3.0

Rudi -
Brigham - Phoenix Jones just beat some jackass with a head scissors...

Why is his opponent a jackass? Phone Post 3.0
. Phone Post 3.0

Rudi -
Brigham - Phoenix Jones just beat some jackass with a head scissors...

Why is his opponent a jackass? Phone Post 3.0
I think I said jackass not necessarily in a derogatory way, I just couldn't think of his name. Plus the head scissors caught me off guard so it seemed odd

But yeah he's definitely not a jackass in the way it sounds like I said. I just didn't know his name.

Sorry bout that Phone Post 3.0

I Hit a kid with a DDT In a high school fight. Put him right out. That move is under rated. Phone Post 3.0

BOZY - I Hit a kid with a DDT In a high school fight. Put him right out. That move is under rated. Phone Post 3.0
I did that to a buddy when we were about 10 right before Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart's iron man match in his concrete basement floor. Was scary lol Phone Post 3.0

Dirty ass feet Phone Post 3.0

a prime iron sheikh would have run amok on the UFC heavyweights with his camel clutch.

I was at a college party, fairly smashed but still doing OK talking to some girl. Apparently, she was either the girlfriend or the friendzoner of this guy I kinda knew. Picture Sean William Scott (or whatever his name is) from The Rundown. I was no Rock, but I was a bit bigger -- I'd say I had 2 inches and 25-30 pounds on him.

So in his own booze-addled mind, he figured that if he kicked my ass he'd win this girl's eternal love. He began by tackling me from behind which totally worked, except that I knocked the girl over and pissed her off.

Now, neither of us knew the other wrestled in high school, so he was surprised when I scrambled out in a second and hit my goofy foot wrestling stance. I guess beer muscle memory took over for him, because he dropped level and made like he was going to pick my right (rear!) ankle.

I had traned Shotokan Karate as well as wrestling, so my goofy foot wrestling stance was my orthodox striking stance. But for some unknown reason I was in no mood for effective fighting that night. I had just enough beer in me to feel like a mythological monster, and my Cyclopean hand shot out at his throat. I can still remember the sensation of picking him up by his neck; his body weight was supported on my hand by his jawbone, which shut him up for once.

To Be Continued... Phone Post 3.0

I remember pulling him toward me before I slammed him down, so his feet would be out of the way and he'd hit head first. I don't remember if it worked, though, or if his body cushioned the blow. But I did slam his head into the ground, and he went out for a moment.

By the time I was tackled and held down by a bunch of guys, I could hear him already running his mouth again: "Did he hit me with something? Tell me he had a baseball bat. That wasn't a punch, was it? It was at least a kick, right?" I laughed like crazy when some clever mofo said "Dude, he hit you with a planet."

Of course, as always happens in these situations: we made up and were best buds that night, and the girl wanted nothing to do with either of us savages.

FRAT: Chokeslams work when you have beer muscles, but you won't be able to use that arm the next day. Phone Post 3.0

"In fact, pro wrestling is strong." The same wise man who said that also said also said "You should study pokemon to get stronger". Anyone who doubts pro wrestling should look at Kazushi Sakuraba as an example of someone who came to fight and used a grappling style to conquer bigger foes. He entertained and inspired, what's so bad about having some awesome choreographed work with other masked or non masked men?

I'd just rather see an awesome non-choreographed real all-out FIGHT.