A. Silva and GSP have NO P4P claim on Fedor

I don't care what BLAF or the UFC nug-hugger says...

When's the last time either of these guys fought somebody 32 lbs heavier?

Thanks. We really needed this thread.

isn't the same level of competition. Think about what a small % of the population meets the criteria of a HW. That is at least say about 6 foot tall, and at least about 230lbs while in shape. The athletic ones that meet the criteria then get taken by the bigger sports.

That's why the HW division has always been so weak, yet you look at say 155lbs and it's stacked.

That's why you can have a very athletic HW like Brock come in with a 3-1 record and win the HW championship. If Brock had actually played football growing up he'd probably be in the NFL right now, like a lot of potential great HW's are.

weight doesnt mean that much at the heavyweight level. there comes a point where more weight is actually deterimental.

the bigger they get the slower they are while still possessing knockout power.

thats why in boxing at the lower divisions 3 pound differences make a big difference, but as you get higher you have 5 pound increments and then 8 and then an unlimited at 200+ pounds.

unlimited                 Heavyweight

200 lb (90.72 kg)   Cruiserweight

175 lb (79.4 kg)     Light heavyweight

168 lb (76.2 kg)     Super middleweight

160 lb (72.6 kg)     Middleweight

154 lb (69.9 kg)     Super welterweight

147 lb (66.7 kg)     Welterweight

140 lb (63.5 kg)     Super lightweight

135 lb (61.2 kg)     Lightweight

130 lb (59.0 kg)     Super featherweight

126 lb (57.2 kg)     Featherweight

122 lb (55.3 kg)     Super bantamweight

118 lb (53.5 kg)     Bantamweight

115 lb (52.2 kg)     Super flyweight

112 lb (50.8 kg)     Flyweight

108 lb (49.0 kg)     Light flyweight

105 lb (47.6 kg)     Minimumweight

32 pound weight different would mean a hell of a lot more for a LW 155 vs 187 fighter than it would be for a 230 pounder vs 265.

Beating Emanuel Yarborough wouldn't give you even more points because hes even heavier. Not a fair comparison.


Brett Rogers stands at a very high level of competition if you ask me. He KO'd Arlovski like nobody's business, and brought it to the best fighter on the planet. Fedor has fought much tougher competition than Silva or GSP, and he's been doing it while going undefeated for a lot longer.Unless you're a TUF noobster or riding Dana's left nut, you can't argue this with a good conscious.

^ LMAO ^

GSP imo is the best P4P fighter. Beating that many high level guys and dominating them the way GSP did was incredible. Beating top 10 welterweights like Jon Fitch dominating every round Alves dominating every round. Out wrestling a 4 time all American wrestler in Josh Koscheck. Coming back from losses from Matt Huges and Matt Serra and dominating them. Destroying Trigg, Heroin, Penn the 2nd time.

Hands down GSP has beaten more top fighters than any other current champion

fedor was still at top and winning while silva and GSP were getting knocked out by a midget or getting leg locked by guys who should have lost.

fedor never went anywhere nor did he lose, he still remained the best HW in MMA and the best fighter in MMA.

GSP has been bigger,stronger and more athletic than maybe ANY fighter he has EVER faced.

Fedor?I cant remember the last time he faced an opponent his own size much less smaller or weaker than him.

the opposition Fedor has beaten would be like GSP beating Rampage or Marquardt and it would NEVER happen.

voorhees - GSP has been bigger,stronger and more athletic than maybe ANY fighter he has EVER faced.

Fedor?I cant remember the last time he faced an opponent his own size much less smaller or weaker than him.

the opposition Fedor has beaten would be like GSP beating Rampage or Marquardt and it would NEVER happen.

I really don't believe that because of the lack of depth at heavyweight. He had trouble with a guy that has not beaten anyone of relevance besides Arvloski who chin is less than stellar.

Do you think if GSP was naturally 220 pounds that Fedor would beat him? No fucking way.

Is Fedor the number 1 Heavyweight fighter? Maybe. But is he the pound for pound best fighter? No

Fedor has beaten maybe 4 top 20 fighters? GSP has beaten around 10 top twenty.

Another fact on the lack of depth and athleticism in the MMA heavyweight division. What other high level athlete has a beer gut like Roy Nelson's?

Well Hubert,it can be argued that GSP has only been beating his opponents because of a physical advantatge.

I mean Fedor finishes the monsters in front of him,wheras GSP only outworks his undermatched Fitches,Koscheks,and Alves' by decision.

And I am not convinced that GSP is better at ANYTHING than Fedor is.

If they were both HW or WW?

IMO Fedor wins because he is a better fighter and has NEVER won by superior genetics,wheras GSP IMO wins because of that almost EVERY time.

HubertCumberdale - Fedor has beaten maybe 4 top 20 fighters? GSP has beaten around 10 top twenty.

Another fact on the lack of depth and athleticism in the MMA heavyweight division. What other high level athlete has a beer gut like Roy Nelson's?


nog, cro cop, schilt, sylvia, herring, arlvoski, rogers, coleman, randleman (not sure, but he did KO cro cop before so he probably was top 10) were all top 10 HW"s when fedor beat them.

Both Alves and Fitch were bigger than GSP when they fought. I would say that Alves is stronger too. Deciding who's more athletic would be debatable.

Fedor fought Lindland who's an 185 pounder. I would say that GSP's last two opponents(Alves and BJ) were more impressive than Fedor's last two(Brett Rogers and Arlovski)

Pound for pound, I think GSP is a more technical fighter. He's the best wrestler in the UFC. The guy has taken down every guy he's fought in the UFC(with the exception of the first Serra fight) Koscheck, Hughes, Penn, Alves, Fitch. He's the best positional grappler in the UFC also(Passed BJ's guard multiple times)He dominated guys like BJ, Fitch, and Serra on the ground - all three bjj blackbelts. He's a pretty good striker too. He was getting the better of Alves on some of those exchanges when they fought, outstruck BJ, Fitch, Jay Hieron, Mayhem Miller.

P4P was created to make an argument for a smaller fighters achievments. Thats why few if any HWs have ever gotten that title in boxing

I have no problem saying GSP or someone else is p4p over Fedor. Its just a fantasy thing, in an actual fight in reality, GSP would get beat like a rented mule by Fedor

 Are you guys done with the guessing threads? You dont KNOW who will win in a fantasy match up - hence you are discussing crap. P4P status is a joke.

Anderson Silva has some claim to be best p4p because he actually beat people in LHW division, including ex champion in Forrest. But GSP with his humiliating loss to Serra and controversial wins via greasing has nothing on Fedor.

FightExpert - Anderson Silva has some claim to be best p4p because he actually beat people in LHW division, including ex champion in Forrest. But GSP with his humiliating loss to Serra and controversial wins via greasing has nothing on Fedor.
I like how you think because fighter X won over fighter B, and fighter B won over fighter C. Somehow fighter X is going to win just as easily when fighting C. 

99% of this forum does not understand fighting dynamics, or how different styles/body types/fighters match up. You dont know who will win in a fight, and the odds dont count as much in fighting as they do in other sports in my opinion. But they are definately a factor.

FightExpert huh...


Dude, I wasnt talking about "fight dynamics" or some other stuff that you just made up out of your ass to sound smart.
Funny how you make stupid claims about 99% of the forum, when you have obvious problems with comprehension.

TUF noob.

Anderson was finished by Rio Chonan and lost to Okami.

GSP tapped from strikes...to MATT SERRA

Thread Over.