A Suggestion for Sean McCorkle

JustPeed - I think it was struves banshee scream once he entered the cage that did him in IMO.

Somebody post Sean's facial expression when he heard this scream.

lol You guys are retarded.

hahaha Stupid!

In a ring McCorkle makes that Kimura with easy. The cage saved Struve.

McCorkle tries to have fun. I suppose the less intellectually gifted among us don't understand that Sean doesn't truly believe his own hype. He was thrust pretty quickly into the deep end. I'd like to see how people here perform under the same circumstances. Real life is not a video game.

lol I just realized the guy in the yoga pose photos I posted is named Stephan also. Phone Post

JustPeed - I think it was struves banshee scream once he entered the cage that did him in IMO.
Well I got scared when i saw that... and I wasn't there...


Reggie Warren dude.

 Oh Tenors ! Come quickly !!

Someone ban l33tp33t for that blasphemic post. Phone Post