Accusations on Severn = lame

Fuck this. The word Work goes along with everything from small shows
to pankration to almost anything held in Japan. Severn was recognized
in the "UFC Hall of Fame" for his accomplishments in the "UFC".

If he did something corrupt in his UFC history, let them take it away.
Why would the UFC penalize him for a worked fight in another show?
He's not contracted with the UFC, is he?

Severn has a history in pro-wrestling, Japanese shoot-wrestling, etc.
That's work city! He has a frick'in pro-wrestling ring in his complex.
He's also one of the most decorated UFC fighters in it's history, which
gives him his deserving spot in the UFC hall of fame for that reason.
There's a whole list of guys who have admitted or are under work
suspision: Coleman and Frye just to name a few.

i agree as well

Like seriously, how's our "Ban Monson from MMA" petition going?

Just saw that he won a fight recently, lol.

The Severn work is the flavor of the month.

"Like seriously, how's our "Ban Monson from MMA" petition going?"

whos trying to ban monson from MMA?

works will be the death of this sport... lets not sugarcoat it, severn's a POS if hes working (non pro-wrestling) fights


Guilty Plea in Fight Fixing Scheme
Boxing manager Robert Mittleman, 61, has pleaded guilty to fixing fights and trying to pay a federal prosecutor and judge $15,000 to have a case against one of his indicted boxers dismissed. Mittleman admitted that he arranged for Thomas "Top Dawg" Williams to lose a match with Brian Nielsen in Denmark in 2000. Mittleman also admitted that he arranged for Williams to lose another 2000 boxing match against Richie Melito Jr.. Williams received approximately $55,000 for taking the two dives. A trial is scheduled for August.

i think the main thing he is trying to say is that Severn doing a worked fight shouldnt take away his Hall of Fame from the UFC. What he did in the UFC was great and he deserves that award. If he were offered an award now for another organization for Hall of Fame then that is obviously bullshit. I dont agree with what Severn did, and believe it is horrible for the sport. BUT that doesnt mean he should have something taken from him that he earned years ago from 1993-1995ish

Fearless Goat nailed it.

BJandCabbageFan, you trumped me on that one for not keeping informed. So have some promoters agreed that they will not allow Monson or his posse to fight in their promotions due to his comments?

We can call this thread the Severn Work/Monson Ban update.

I don't have a problem with pro wrestling, though I generally won't watch it because I don't find it entertaining.

Japanese pro wrestling is more entertaining, as there are more real fight elements displayed - but it still isn't MMA, nor does anyone think it is. This is also OK by me.

What isn't ok is fixing, working, or otherwise altering the outcome of what is supposed to be a legitimate sporting event. This kind of thing could easily keep MMA from being viewed as a legitimate sport.

And what is funny is that he dosnt give a fuck.

No, accusations on Severn = legit... He's ALWAYS doing this stuff, even when he came down to Aus to let Tony Bonello beat him.

Works RUIN the sport, stop it.

How do they ruin the sport? Not that Im doubting you, would just like to know your reasoning..

"How do they ruin the sport? Not that Im doubting you, would just like to know your reasoning.."

They attack the sport's credibility at a base level IMO - for example, how many other sports wouldn't take issue with a fixed game/match?

The thing is, he's been known to work fights before he was inducted to the hall of fame. The UFC knew it too and that apparently wasn't criterial to exclude him from the induction.

What you're suggesting about the UFC's possible complicity is a little too much to stomach. They most assuredly had no idea of what he was up to and will quickly defrock him.

The sport's integrity suffers constantly from various mismatches, judging inconsistency and just bad matchmaking regardless... This will no doubt continue as the sport seeks more mainstream acceptance.

That's all bad enough but to then heap worked fights on that will be a death knell for MMA. Pro Wrestling is for that shit, if there's ONE differentiator this sport MUST have it's reality. As soon as the 'reality' of the situation is lost on viewers you will lose a lot of market share and audience.

Some of the brazilians should be banned from ADCC too for working fights. Wasn't there talk of Roger Gracie and Rigan Machado working a match 2 years ago?

BJ, I didn't mean to disrespect your cause. Good luck to you man. Don't even know why I brought that up. I apologize. I'm really fueled about this Severn thing. I had to the chance to train with him and he's a good guy. Once again, we have to look at his background. There was a time where he'd train MMA in the morning, then show up to a WWF show and put on a neck brace due to his "broken neck".

"The sport's integrity suffers constantly from various mismatches, judging inconsistency and just bad matchmaking regardless... This will no doubt continue as the sport seeks more mainstream acceptance."

Great point, what about when small shows feed an experienced mma fighter who needs some wins a McDojo fighter? It's like throwing somebody in a lion's cage and usually ends in a brutal KO or stoppage.

Hopefully, the great fights we are seeing lately will outweigh the horrible match making and works that will never go away.

"By its grassroots standards it is doing excellant! You would not believe the e-mails I have received from some serious names in the MMA business in support of it!"

You're right, I wouldn't


That's kinda reminicent to hith firtht twip to Turkey. IMO

"You're right, I wouldn't"

Took the words out of my mouth. He has a bunch of big names but he cant tell us who they are. Yeah right. These people are taking a stand yet they dont want their names released? Yeah that makes sense. "Fuck Monson he will never fight for me and I will make sure word gets out so he doesnt fight for anyone else. By the way dont tell anyone I said this. Thanks." Just a guess but I doubt BJCabbage fan is out of his teen years.