adam ryan says thank you

just wanted to say thanks to denis kang for trusting to leave his school in my care. we will all miss training with denis, a real pro. expect him to make a big impact with his new team and at up coming events.

thanks also to denis kangs students/friends who have made me feel welcome. they have been great, always giving their best in what is a very tough sport.

thanks to team epic for taking me on. greg allen(epic manager) has been very supportive and we are making big plans for the future.

and thanks to bill mahood(team epic pro fighter) for including me in training for his upcoming fight(euphoria) i am really looking forward to ramping up the training with bill.

i am taking my new classes very seriously and am going to continue to build team epic and all those that train with us to the highest conditioning and technical levels. i am going to get help from marcus soares, nick ugoalah(take downs tuesdays,weekends), my training partners from the marcus soares club,and have plans to bring in more world class help for boxing/kickboxing.

just so everyone knows the club is at 1260 granville one block past the north end of the bridge "Universal Martial Arts".classes mon-thurs at 8:15-10:15 the first hour of class is all bjj no-gi, then depending on what competions are coming up we spend the second hour on takedowns/striking/vale tudo. nick ugoalah(gold medalist commonwealth games) teaches wrestling takedowns every tues.,after bjj, for an hour or more(thanks to nick too!).

TTT for Adam.

Looking forward to spending some time with you
training at Universal. I hear the classes are going
very well.