ADCC Trials

The North American trials are supposed to happen this weekend right?

Where is the card? Last time when they did the trials in San Diego there was a full card, but not this time.

I know some of the names competing but I'd to see the complete divisions. Anyone know?

San Diego had a list huh?

The SD Trials were 10/5/2002, the 10/1/2002 press release on ADCC NEWS refers to the list of competitors being released later in the week -

So the procedure this year is identical to all other years nad you had no list for San Diego.

Post who you know is going here - that can be the list. The ADCC will release theirs when everyone is in Canada.

Ok, maybe I was wrong. I just remember having a better of idea of who was in the last trials than this one. Thanks for all your help man

I can tell you 2 confirmed dropped this week - so thi slist is still moving.

Post who you know, though - it wil lget people talking.

Taken from the Canadian forum

This is an unofficial list of the Canadian Team for the North American ADCC Trials last I heard.

65.9 Kg (145 lbs) and Under *Invite Ryan Diaz? (Team ?)- Rob "Spider" Dicenso (Nova Uniao)

66 Kg to 76.99 Kg (169.73 lbs) *Invite/Winner Mark Bocek (Nova Uniao)- Scott "Guerreiro" Schilling (Schilling/Behring)

77 Kg to 87.99 Kg (193.98 lbs) *Invite Denis Kang (Marcus Soares)- Cory MacDonald (Team Gladiator MMA)

88 Kg to 98.99 Kg (218..24 lbs) *Invite Jason Mc Donald (Team ?)- Phil Vandenbeukel (D.A.T.C.-Schilling/Behring)

99 Kg (218.25 lbs) and over *Invite Shawn "Hulk" Geris (Schilling/Behring Team)- Karim Byron (Ronin)

Macdonald, Diaz and Kang are all out.

There are no defending champions returning thi syear, which will make it interesting.


Chris Brennan is in the trials right? Javier Vazquez as well.

There is no seperate trails for the East Coast right? Another forum had a list of guys, one I can think of off hand is Justin Garcia. I'll post again when I find that post.

"San Diego had a list huh? The SD Trials were 10/5/2002, the 10/1/2002 press release on ADCC NEWS refers to the list of competitors being released later in the week -
So the procedure this year is identical to all other years nad you had no list for San Diego."

Miguel, why so angry? The guy is exicted about the tourn. Jeez.

Heres my list based on rumours and confirmations from my friends who were invited:

Under 65KG: Javi Vasquez, Alberto Crane, Rami Boukai, Spider DiCenso, Alan Teo, Mike Cardosa, Nobu Yaki and a dude from Caesars (Danny N?)
note I cannot believe Jeff Glover was not invited. He has won more tourns in the last 2 years than anyone in the US.

66-76KG: Tyrone Glover, Kurt Pellegrino, Mark Bocheck, Cameron Earle, Scott Schilling (don't know the other 3)

77-87KG Marcos Avellan, Amal Easton, Rick McCauley, Justin "ChimChim" Garcia, Corey McDonald (don't know the other 3)

88-98KG: Jamal Patterson, Phil Vanderkel, Rick Migliarese, Ira Guyer, Eliot Marshall? (don't know the others)

99+ Brandon Vera, Mike Rogers, Rob Constance, Wade Rome, Nathan DuCharme, Karim Byron, Eliot Marshall (don't know the rest)

Thats for you Green Whale.

Thanks a bunch Sav, maybe Miguelli is a little stressed from all the matchmaking = ) I know he works hard. It's all good!!!

Thanks for posting that. I just now found the post like 7 pages back on the forum but I guess you beat me to it.

I really hope Tyrone Glover makes it to ADCC, whether he wins the trials or not. That boy is exciting as hell and he was super impressive in the So Cal Pro Am.

Jeff Glover should be in there. Javier should take his division. His only real threat is Alberto Crane, and if their KOTC fight was any indication of how exciting watching them roll could be. . . . . should be nice!

I'm picking Cameron Earle for his weight.

It's really hard to NOT pick Avellan. He's got so much experience against a wide variety of opponents. I don't know enough about the two highest weight classes to make a guess.

Also, what's up with the Brazilian Trials?

Not bad Savarese!

I wasnt angry, I just get excited too when I see people say how ADCC runs things - we are a mess, who knows better than I? : )

This is important - I need Jeff Glover to contact me ASAP if he wants in to this thing. I NEVER had direct contact with that kid, just a few people who pushed for him. There may be a slot at 145 and under.


Whoever has jeff glovers number has to hollar at him. He needs to be in the trials!

Anyone can win the under 65 KG class, all of those guys are really good. Javi and Crane are definately the favorites but Teo, Cardosa and Disenso are all really, really good. I mean damn, Boukai is good too.

Same w/ the 77KG class: Ty, KP, Earle and Bochek are all awesome! I hope Bochek and Earle meet up somewhere, that will be a great match. I'm also hearing Otto Olson may be in this class, if he is, this class is stacked!

Marcos is definately the favorite on paper but he is coming up a class or 2 and McCauley and Garcia are coming down a class. He's never fought in a class this heavy. (Though he can just train w/ his brother and get ready, LOL). But I'm intersted and seeing how this class pans out.

I think Jamal is tough to beat at 98KG.

I think Wade is very tough to beat at 99+ also.

But, we don't know all the guys. Who knows who else is in.

Miguel-you have mail (jeff's #)

  • Macdonald, Diaz and Kang are all out.

What happened and who will replace them?

Brennan told me this weekend he is in the 66 Kg to 76.99 Kg (169.73 lbs) but he is NOT competing at the NA trials. He has a straight invite for May 2005.

My instructor Mark Bocek (not Bocheck) is in that weight division so I hope he wins and they get to meet up at some point.

is that for the qualifiers ??where the qualifiers??and only 1 per weight go to ADCC ??Pretty stacked.

D-yes, it's the qualifiers in B.C. Canada. the winners get an automatic invite to ADCC.

TTT for Jeff Glover!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was over at Javi's last night and he's looking real good. I can't wait to see him and Crane finally get to match up again. I would have rather seen MMA, but ADCC will be cool.

damn wish i was in BC