As of today, the Alabama Grapplers Association is an official non-profit corporation, organized under the laws of the State of Alabama!!
The website is soon to be up, and look for a tournament in March in the Birmingham metro area.
Congrats on getting this set up! Hopefully this can be a positive avenue for competition and communication between the various gyms in the state!
Please leave contact info for the various gyms here. As soon as the website is up, we will request all those who want to be on the mailing list to submit their email addies.
just no-gi or both?
Awesome. Maybe now we can have a real "Alabama State Championships" event that isn't ran by a school just so that school can promote themselves.
^^^^exactly the reason it was started! I believe it will be gi and no-gi, but that is just what I heard, not sure.
Right now, the tournaments will be either gi or no-gi, not both on the same date. Too much of a problem. In the future, we may have some 2 day tournaments, to fit in both.
This first one will be no-gi. It will be double elim; you don't have to drive to Atlanta, get beat once, and drive home. We are working on a possible round robin setup, and we may test run that AFTER the double elims are done (so don't leave right after your bracket!!)
I think I've posted this before, but the directors are myself, John Salter, James Srygley, and Larry Beard (the US representative of Yudo (the Korean branch of Judo)- based at Jax State. We ARE in it for the sport, not for ourselves.
As for state championships, we are looking at awarding points throughout the year to the competitors based on how they perform at each tournament, and then having an invitational at the end of the year to determine the TRUE AL State Champs. We are hoping to have enough membership to not have to charge the competitors for that one.
what is going to be amazing is the amount of media coverage this tournament will get as opposed to the other one...wierd how that is gonna work out.
Port City MMA will support this 100%. Let me know what I need to do to get registered.
Hopefully, it will be up within a week. Basically, it works like this: we want to throw tournies at cost. This is how we are working it right now; there is a yearly membership fee of $50.00. We are hoping that the tournament fees will be $20.00 (we are VERY confident it will be this way). So, the first tourney you sign up for will be, effectively, $70.00, but the rest will be only $20.00 (keep in mind each are double elim or round robin tournies). Also, the members in good standing will be able to elect the 5th, "floating" member of the Board of Directors. This Board member will serve for a year, before the next election. Obviously, the more members your school has, the more of a chance your candidate will be elected. Details will be on the website; basically, full members are citizens of Alabama AND the US, and candidates for the floating Board Member must be the same.
What will be expected of the "floating" board member?
there is growing pressure from the media to elect Stranglehold as the new board member.
Josh J - What will be expected of the "floating" board member?
Basically, show up to the Board meetings and vote on the business before the Board, bring up items to discuss, etc. The fiduciary duties required of all Board members.
Basically, the "floating Board member" is a way for the membership to help steer the direction of the org, aside from just picking up the phone and calling one of us, posting, emailing, etc.
Our by-laws have provisions for membership, voting, discipline, elections, etc.
Any comments and the like are welcome.
NWO for life!!!!
You are testing the last sentence, padawan...
nWo "WE'RE TAKING OVER!!!!" 4 life
As the new "acting floating board" member I would like to make 3 statements...
1. Strangle will only bring embarrassment
2. You should invite those guys from Spartan...
3. I will not only be a board member but will also compete if we have tshirts.
Thank you for your time
lightning kickbox killed it....?
is the tourney still on? a friend of mine was wondering.