I am watching the Pride Documentary... and it hurts my heart to see age taking its toll on the greats. I hope some how Wanderlei Silva can comeback and be the dominator that he once was.If he beats Chael a tear will come to my eye (no homo). Same goes for amazing guys like Nog. I would say Andersen Silva... but he still is the man. For him I hope he heals well and gets back to the business.
I get the same tear for Dan Henderson
Where is this Pride documentary you speak of?
someone posted it yesterday... its a great great great documentary its 3hrs long
BJ Penn. I damn near cried watching the beating that Rory put on him.
Hell, even my wife was sad, she knows.
The beating BJ took was tough to watch.
Hell, watching Nog get worked over by Mir and then Cain was tough.
Wandy getting merc'd by Rampages left hook sent chills through me.
The killer for me though and always will be the destruction that was Big Foot walking through Fedor. I'm glad it was stopped, because Fedor's face looked like a beat up pack of hamburger.
KnowKontrol - http://vimeo.com/64154286Sweet! Thanks!! VTFU!!
someone posted it yesterday... its a great great great documentary its 3hrs long

KnowKontrol - http://vimeo.com/64154286You have resurrected my freezing cold day off work. Thank you kind sir.
someone posted it yesterday... its a great great great documentary its 3hrs long

It's even worse when Sakuraba talks about stepping back in the ring. Fighters need to realize that there is a short timespan when it comes to being at their best, and that as they age or put mileage on their bodies, they will no longer be able to hang with top 10 guys. But if they thought like that, they never would have become great.
alley - It's even worse when Sakuraba talks about stepping back in the ring. Fighters need to realize that there is a short timespan when it comes to being at their best, and that as they age or put mileage on their bodies, they will no longer be able to hang with top 10 guys. But if they thought like that, they never would have become great.
Sakuraba is talkin about coming back? Sweet god. I wonder where he would fight... my guess Bellator.