been looking for a real airdyne on craigslist forever but all i find are these knock off models,anyone know if these are worth a damn?
It looks like alot of it is made of plastic, might not be durable enough for programs like Taku's Intervals. Watch what you pay b/c a new Air Dyne will only run around $700 and it will last forever.
Only downside with airdyne, for me, has been maintenance and repair.
Bought it used from a naval officer for $20, mainly because it was rusted, he was getting rid of stuff in his storage room, and the fact that Hawai'i has no retailer or supplies for an Airdyne. So when it came to repairing and fixing parts, everything is online shopping which is still hard to find certain parts from companies that ship to Hawai'i.
I have tried the cheaper brands like Weslo and another plastic looking knockoff. I broke both while doing Taku's Intervals.