Awesome if true.....Fedor will be merciful

"Don't know about that. I've seen brothers fight with much worse intentions than the average pro fighter. lol "

While that may be true I bet none of them could inflict the damage that the Emelianenkos can.

Before the Nastula match I would have though Alex would give Fedor his toughest fight, but he really did not look so good 12/31.

Didnt they agree no strikes in there combat sambo match ?

I've heard that the sparring sessions between the Nog brothers are some of the hardest and closest to competitive levels.

I am sure the Emelianenko brothers grew up competing against each other in all sorts of commie sports.

I dont think it would be too big of a deal honestly. Both have come into the ring banged up and I recall Fedor with a blackeye before a fight. When they spar they are going at it pretty hard Id imagine, so I could see some punchs thrown then Fedor subbing Aleks.

They've got into fistfights before.

In thier combat sambo match that I saw they didn't use any strikes, although the rules are very similar to NHB. Maybe they did in the other ones though. I don't think DSE would let that fly in Pride anyway.

They probably grew up fighting each other as kids, and now they will get
paid for it. If they fought it would probably be more of a grappling match
with light sparring for strikes. No knees, stomps etc. I couldn't imagine
fighting any of my brothers though we will spar pretty hard at times. It's
a different mentality going from training to actual fighting.

Well, either they fight, or one of them has to go. Alex is not a gatekeeper, so obviously Pride has plans for them. I think Fedor will step down as champ sometime late next year due to "injury" and call it a career. The torch will be passed without these brothers having to spill one another's blood.

Sergei should get the next shot at fedor, in what will be fedor's toughest match.

I was thinking the exact same thing as Steamfitter about the video. I don't want to see this fight because they would always be holding back to some degree.

Shit, I can't imaginethis fight takin place

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Brother will kill brother
Spilling blood across the land!

What an asshole.

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What was the outcome of their three sambo matches? Anyone know?

I don’t know about three sambo matches but I remember at least one where Aleks said he just gave the victory to the older bro without much struggle. Like it was an exhibition. Safe to assume the other matches went the same way, if there were any.

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I wouldn’t want to see it.

Fedor kills him

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