December 6 at the Nelson Mandela Arena in Fiorenza, It
Rafael Carvalho will not be able to absorb the fire and fury of Sakara. Finalmente, Sakara will bring an MMA title to Italy.
December 6 at the Nelson Mandela Arena in Fiorenza, It
Rafael Carvalho will not be able to absorb the fire and fury of Sakara. Finalmente, Sakara will bring an MMA title to Italy.
I’m growing my blow-out back and popping my collar while slamming Jagerbombs for this one!
Man I havent seen him fight in a long time. I was really bummed out when he was cut. Glad to see he is still fighting and going for a title.
Going to make a plate of capa gool with some ri gawt, polish up the old Iroc Z and have have a couple of paesans over to watch the fight.
Buona fortuna Alessio.
Best hands in MMA.
Forza Sakara
Dai Cazzo
I miss watching his fight.
Bobby Lupo -December 6 at the Nelson Mandela Arena in Fiorenza, It
Rafael Carvalho will not be able to absorb the fire and fury of Sakara. Finalmente, Sakara will bring an MMA title to Italy.
bellator are going to have an event on a Wednesday?
Primo Interiors -Bobby Lupo -December 6 at the Nelson Mandela Arena in Fiorenza, It
Rafael Carvalho will not be able to absorb the fire and fury of Sakara. Finalmente, Sakara will bring an MMA title to Italy.
bellator are going to have an event on a Wednesday?
December 9th
9 December