Alex Karalexis on The Montel Show

Check your local listings. Alex "Assassin" Karalexis will make an
apperance on the Montel Williams show today (4/17/07).


my tivo says otherwise


it would be cooler if he was on Maury Povich instead.

Alex karalexis, you are NOT the baby's father.


lol - We should be seeing him in the Octagon in a couple of months according to him when we talked briefly in Houston.

^ Translation: He told me he was fighting in the UFC soon while we cuddled after sex.

I would like to see a Karalexis-Florian rematch. They were BANGIN' until Karalexis got sliced.

Montel Williams haha

The info for the Montell Williams show today says it is about Multiple Sclerosis or ms...