Alistair Overeem: pro-wrestling is gay

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I think he’s right. Don’t know how men are still into it.


Pro wrestling literally built the entire framework that the UFC’s business is based on lmao.

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Still gay.

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who cares? a literal bloodsport covered by pussies. everybody is offended and mmafighting is full of articles about them being offended. another clickbait bullshit article.

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I thought it was a funny statement for him to make… but a little strange coming from someone who is a European ADCC Champ and probably spent more time inside a man’s closed guard than a woman’s…

lmao at “homophobic language”. this Steven Marrocco guy is a huge faggot


Funny. When I said it was gay when Shamrock went to the WWF everyone got mad at me


I thought it was g** then tooo!

g** = dumb pussy fake injured shit you would see a fairies do and be proud of

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I guess I’d have to watch the interview but I didn’t read anything homophobic. He doesn’t like pro wrestling… who cares.

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The wrestling fan boys are pissed about this, makes for great trolling on FB.

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