Aljo has torn biceps; Sugar Sean pushes for fight with Cejudo

It was a good financial move, at least short term

I think he lost a lot of fans with it though, that wasn’t right

We will just have to see how history remembers that moment

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There are only 2 ways this can go…

  1. Henry fights Clowney and shakes off the rust, eliminating Aljo’s best chance and advantage (however small) with Henry.

  2. Henry somehow loses and Aljo permanently loses out on the chance to legitimize his title in detractor’s eyes by beating one of the best and most qualified small champs UFC has had…instead continuing his run against the latest UFC favouritism clown-show that plenty think hasn’t earned his place at the top.

I guess 2) would be par for the Aljo title run course though.

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I remember saying him he needs holidays after christmas? Or some shit, fuk him

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Can’t fight within 6 months?
stripped, end of story.

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Bahahaha!! gotta address injury and face up to it. I had 5 surgery last year after putting up with it for 5 years. I’m worried it’s not done.

What’s the status of your championship belt?

Have a healthy 2023, Song2.


Go Henry, so glad he’s coming back.
I didn’t appreciate him when he was active.