all people have value....NOT!

when you're this fukin stoopid, you're just a waste of resources.


i don't get it, there was no dead in there that i was oh so hoping for.

with stoopidity like that it's just a matter of time

this was funny but could have been so much funnier

what is this somolian new year?

Retards gone wild?

imagine if you hit a certain random 3rd worlder in the head w/ that--let's say while you driving by them on beretania near the university, or maybe through makiki?

that would be pretty cool i think.

we could turn it into some cool holiday like kuhio day or something like that.




armlok, it'd be done in good spirit and fun. you know, an all around good time.

these peeps are a bunch of retards!!

and by retards you mean......have no worth, are a waste of oxygen and other resources, should not mate and just need to drop dead or jump off a cliff because killing them with boolits would jst be a further waste of resources. yes?

just wanted to clarify

i underrstand why thats guys seldge went boom. but the others seem to not have anythign tied to them how are those going boom?

I think thats the dumbest thing I have ever seen.

what country is that? unbelieveably stupid.

lol, holy stupids. I like how they wait their turn to go to the appropriate patch of dirt.