Conor is about to hold 2 division belts and become the first Light Featherweight champion ever. Dos Anjos is a monstah, but Conor McGregor is going to beat him like he stole his pot of gold.
McGregor via stunning KO.
If Conor wins, it won't shock me.
RDA will be lucky to get KOed in 13 seconds.
Mcgregor will brutalize him. Would be happy to eat crow if Conor loses though, because it would be impressive to defeat him.
I'd like to think it will be a tough fight, but I think I am about done doubting McGregor
Would be cool to see, however he's only the second to ever get the opportunity. If UFC gave every champ an instant title shot at the next weight class up, without ever having to defend once, we'd have seen a dual weight class champ before.
FrontBroRian - Would be cool to see, however he's only the second to ever get the opportunity. If UFC gave every champ an instant title shot at the next weight class up, without ever having to defend once, we'd have seen a dual weight class champ before.That's why he's making history... HE is making this happen.

God damnit op I was rooting for mcgregor to pull it off. Your cre
Connor by KO in the 1st.
I predict these tingz!
2 months? Am I missing something? I bought it was 5th March!
4 weeks till fight week, can't wait