Already talked about, but Pat Miletich!

Great news...I'm late hearing about it, but what a deserving guy.  Also, it's great that Dana took responsibilty for the not-so-great relationship.  Pat is the man.  Very happy for him to be inducted into the UFC HOF!


much deserved and LONG overdue. Phone Post 3.0

And great to see Frank back here! What's up?

MMA Playwright - And great to see Frank back here! What's up?

I've been around.  I've really been into the pocket knife, EDC, etc scene lately.  I've gone through tons of knives, flashlights, etc.  I'm on Instagram a lot mainly for that.  Been dating a girl for like a year and a half...lost about 80 lbs since end of 2011.  Just got a new car.  Lots of good stuff I guess when I write it all out, haha.

Congrats and that's great to hear.

There is a guy on the OG who is making lots of knives for the guys there. I don't know if you knew that.

It's about damned time.

This guy.  People seem to really like his stuff:

Friday Knife Sale! Altofsky OtherGround Forums 4 days ago
53 1707
Knife Finishes... Altofsky OtherGround Forums 5 days ago
32 1452

Yeah, I've seen his stuff.  There are so many amazing makers out there right now.

frankiscooler on IG if anyone is on there

Good to see you around Frank..

and great news about Pat.. absolutly deserves it!!

MFS was the UFC for like a few years.  They were everything.


Spunky fucking corn-fed Yanks that they were!

frankiscool - 
MMA Playwright - And great to see Frank back here! What's up?

I've been around.  I've really been into the pocket knife, EDC, etc scene lately.  I've gone through tons of knives, flashlights, etc.  I'm on Instagram a lot mainly for that.  Been dating a girl for like a year and a half...lost about 80 lbs since end of 2011.  Just got a new car.  Lots of good stuff I guess when I write it all out, haha.

That sounds very nice. Dont know you but have to say that I am very happy it is always good to hear when people have good things going. :)

Nice to see you Frank.

Dana burying the hatchet with Pat (and Ken) is good to see.

Awesome to hear about the other day.

I'm also curious with Sonnen's departure, if the UFC or Fox has approached Pat about potential engagements.

He'd be a great fit on any panel.

Pat is the man.


TBidness - Awesome to hear about the other day.

I'm also curious with Sonnen's departure, if the UFC or Fox has approached Pat about potential engagements.

He'd be a great fit on any panel.

Pat is the man.

Great call. Pat was/is one of my favorites calling or talking fights. Phone Post 3.0

Hopefully, he's  the 1st of many that deserve to be there. Fighters like Oleg Taktarov, Tank, Marco Ruas, Pedro Rizzo,  Frank Shamrock, Maurice Smith ect. If it wasn't for these guys and more there wouldn't have been a UFC for Zuffa to buy!!

Long overdue. I would have said Royce first, then Miletich second - he is the guy who defined modern MMA.