American Football sùcks (in MMA)

LOL @ France. A French "fighter" would surrender before the bell even rang...

reason #234,543,941 why i hate juju and his whole CUNTry......


American Football is the creme of the crop(soup de jour) when it comes
to scouting
the performance, natural abilities and talent of their athletes. Guys who
can't get into the NFL go to other venues such as combat sports,
professional wrestling, and arena/european leagues.

Famous current personalities who couldn't make it through an NFL

Bill Goldberg
Brock Lesner
Bob Sapp

Not saying that Rugby players aren't tough. Anybody who's willing to
grab another guy's balls or oil check to sway the game is extreme and
dedicated to get the win :)

i have played both rugby and football, and was a good starting player at the collegiate levels, and i must say rugby is tougher on you cardiovascularly, but american football is tougher on the body b/c you can use your helment and shoulder pads as weapons jujubre....the technique involved in open field tackling is similar, but not over the middle or in the trenches by a long shot....vous etes pas familiare de la fotball americain mon bon ami, et faire la bon chose et dire rien de notre sport favorite ci vous connaisez pas les reglements, ou les chemins de leurs preparations...pardonez mon grammaire jujubre, ca faire tres longtemps que j'ai parlez votre lange de romance et c'est un peu d'une faiblesse...

war rugby. Rugby rules

rugby by flying armbar!!!