Anderson offered to fight a LHW fight

To save 151
@MMAFightingAnderson Silva Offered to Save UFC 151 (@arielhelwani) Phone Post

 what top 40 LHW is available lol?

Barry_BondsMVP -  what top 40 LHW is available lol?

No idea, but everyone making threads saying he offered to fight JBJ is incorrect
Could have fought Davis, Rashad, Thiago Silva, Gustaffson, etc. Phone Post

 no no no no, he'd want an easier fight lol

either way him vs anyone would have been a fine headliner...

What was he gonna fight Bonnar?

Who cares who he was gonna fight?! Silva is the man, the greatest UFC champ, and the GOAT!
Bones is a fake ass hyped up kid who has beat up a bunch of outta prime use to bes... Phone Post