Andre Dida

I was wondering why no one talks about this guy. I have been watching his fights and it seems that no one can take his punches, I mean Uno has fought many strong stikers but against dida you could see the pain on his face ever time he landed a shot, and against JZ in the first exchange he hit a body shot and you see JZ buckle to one knee but recovers quickly. I think he is a dangerous force in the 155 pound weight class.

also saw him train with saku and even with body gear saku needed a break and saku has fought cro cop (not saying he hits harder than cro cop but still impressive.)

Nobody talks about him because few people in the U.S. have seen him fight. K-1 is just not a very accessible product.

He's obviously very talented and has a bright future.

He broke Uno's jaw in two places, he's fun to watch

Guy is fun to watch, I wish K-1 wouldnt show the same video about how he got his name every time he fights but thats another story.

I think he has an outside chance of winning the LWGP, should be interesting.