
Hey it was nice to finally meet you! I told Jimmy that up until yesterday we had never actually met.

He said we should have taken a picture, the only way people would be able to tell us apart would have been the calves, lol.


I think we look alike it in pictures but not so much in real life.

It was great meeting you, and AWESOME job in your matches. You had such great sweeps in the first one (and a nice pass). The Cleber match was a tough one, but you had some great moments and I thought it was an interesting matchup.

I'd like to set up a training session for all of us: you, Wu, Scott, me, Kenny Bond, and some other black belts, if you are interested. I think it would be awesome.

can't afford email or SMS? :o)

Sounds like a plan.

quietly walks out of thread

yeah sounds good to me.....

andre - 

I'd like to set up a training session for all of us: you, Wu, Scott, me, Kenny Bond, and some other black belts, if you are interested. I think it would be awesome.
Maybe call Frank Dux and see if you guys can do it at his apartment?? Now THAT would be awesome....!


lol ;)