another espn mma poll

this ones not looking good i don't even think the ug can bring this one back from the gutter.

it's 12 polls and the 2nd one is a ufc poll asking if your a fan of the ufc or not. 

i take that back out of the 12 polls 3 or 4 of them involve the ufc. you guys should really vote.

double post

d mo -  wow the 4th poll asks which has a brighter future: hockey, mma, or soccer....results:

hockey - 39%
mma - 34%
soccer - 27%

7,089 votes.......


this is a more important poll than yesterday to be honest so if someone could post this on other boards and get the word out that would be much appreciated.

d mo -  Will you watch ufc 100?

yes - 25%
no - 75%

6,708 votes

yeah that one actually surprised the hell out of me. honestly though how many mma fans are on espn all the time. to get mma news you don't exactly go to espn. heck i go to espn to check out other things and post on their board but thats about it.



 I'm not seeing these other UFC polls. Is there some kind of archive?

Face it folks...MMA/UFC is not mainstream

Squared Circle -  I'm not seeing these other UFC polls. Is there some kind of archive?

you just keep clicking next poll and they show up sooner or later. thats really all i can tell ya. there are three polls that involve the ufc in some way.

marinematt24 - 
Squared Circle -  I'm not seeing these other UFC polls. Is there some kind of archive?

you just keep clicking next poll and they show up sooner or later. thats really all i can tell ya. there are three polls that involve the ufc in some way.
Oh, I see now.  You have to vote in the prvious poll to be allowed to continue.

I'm clicking on the names of baseball players I've never heard of.



get on there and vote! this could help bring more coverage.


Wow, Dana may be right. Plenty of room for growth.

UFC has been all over ESPN today. ESPN news is going to be talking about Brock here in a couple minutes. They even have MMA on the bottom line pimping out UFC 100. Seriously it's thing like this we need to vote on to put MMA over the top. MMA is teetering on being mainstream right now. it may seem stupid to vote in these polls to some but it does have an impact.



I know that most hardcore mma fans don't frequent except to watch mmalive or thats me anyway. but damn 75% to 25% not watching ufc 100? WHAT THE FUCK?!?!