Another Tanner Blog.. 5/22/06

Here is Evan's newest Myspace post. For those of you that have been following, it seems as if he has finally revealed the heart of his inner dilemmas.

There are two different posts, but for some reason, he posted the second one five times in a row (intentionally, I'm assuming):

Monday, May 22, 2006

5:11 in the morning, another beer.

Losing reference with time.I drink until I sleep. Morning, afternoon, night. When I get tired. I sleep when I sleep. I eat when I eat. There are no rules. I do as I wish.

No harm wished to anyone else though.

I am single again. Would be nice to meet a good woman. She will have to be amazing to get my attention though.To make me want to live right. I know I could be the most amazing father. I could be the most amazing husband and lover.


I saw her.

I have not taken a shower, shaved, or changed clothes in five days. How long can a man be sad? There are so many stories to tell, but I have to go with the words that move me. The stories take on a life of their own.

I don't know where I go from here. I was doing commentary on one of my old fights when I was in Vegas. It was a fight I had never watched. It was brutal. I remember suffering in that fight, but that is not what moved me. They showed the audience. I saw a woman. I thought wow, how beautiful. Who is she, and then it hit me. It was her. I was on camera, I was on tape, and I had to stop and stand up in the middle of everything. I walked off pulling my hair and holding my head. I didn't know seeing her again would hurt me so badly.


I saw her.

I have not taken a shower, shaved, or changed clothes in five days. How long can a man be sad? There are so many stories to tell, but I have to go with the words that move me. The stories take on a life of their own.

I don't know where I go from here. I was doing commentary on one of my old fights when I was in Vegas. It was a fight I had never watched. It was brutal. I remember suffering in that fight, but that is not what moved me. They showed the audience. I saw a woman. I thought wow, how beautiful. Who is she, and then it hit me. It was her. I was on camera, I was on tape, and I had to stop and stand up in the middle of everything. I walked off pulling my hair and holding my head. I didn't know seeing her again would hurt me so badly.


I saw her.

I have not taken a shower, shaved, or changed clothes in five days. How long can a man be sad? There are so many stories to tell, but I have to go with the words that move me. The stories take on a life of their own.

I don't know where I go from here. I was doing commentary on one of my old fights when I was in Vegas. It was a fight I had never watched. It was brutal. I remember suffering in that fight, but that is not what moved me. They showed the audience. I saw a woman. I thought wow, how beautiful. Who is she, and then it hit me. It was her. I was on camera, I was on tape, and I had to stop and stand up in the middle of everything. I walked off pulling my hair and holding my head. I didn't know seeing her again would hurt me so badly.


I saw her.

I have not taken a shower, shaved, or changed clothes in five days. How long can a man be sad? There are so many stories to tell, but I have to go with the words that move me. The stories take on a life of their own.

I don't know where I go from here. I was doing commentary on one of my old fights when I was in Vegas. It was a fight I had never watched. It was brutal. I remember suffering in that fight, but that is not what moved me. They showed the audience. I saw a woman. I thought wow, how beautiful. Who is she, and then it hit me. It was her. I was on camera, I was on tape, and I had to stop and stand up in the middle of everything. I walked off pulling my hair and holding my head. I didn't know seeing her again would hurt me so badly.


I saw her.

I have not taken a shower, shaved, or changed clothes in five days. How long can a man be sad? There are so many stories to tell, but I have to go with the words that move me. The stories take on a life of their own.

I don't know where I go from here. I was doing commentary on one of my old fights when I was in Vegas. It was a fight I had never watched. It was brutal. I remember suffering in that fight, but that is no what moved me. They showed the audience. I saw a woman. I thought wow, how beautiful. Who is she, and then it hit me. It was her. I was on camera, I was on tape, and I had to stop and stand up in the middle of everything. I walked off pulling my hair and holding my head. I didn't know seeing her again would hurt me so badly.


What a shame...this dude needs help

there are myspace chicks reading that and getting wet.

you can't help but feel bad. But drinking away your sorrows won't help either. Get it together Evan./

Ricco turns to deep fat fried chicken, Evan turns to Jack. It's a shame.

How sad. I saw an early post in his blog that was related. It seems that he is spiraling down hill. I hope he gets his head straight!

Actually, Evan is turning to beer and in the early morning. This is no good, my friends. 5am brewskies does NOT do a body good. I wish him the best. He has NOT indicated (as you'll notice) that his passion for fighting has died, but if things continue like this...

Remember all the dipshits a few weeks ago that were saying Evan is living it up, hes fine, hes just not afraid to be different like all of us?


he was together with her for a very long time. Hard to get over that. I'd say he's not any more fucked up than any other person who's ever lost a very long term relationship. It takes alot of time.

I dunno, but for some reason, I dont believe this 100%. Why would somebody that has the limelight he does post on Myspace stories like this, as with other issues that have come up in MMA, its been kept quiet and worked out amongst friends.

I hope Evan gets well.

'I have not taken a shower, shaved, or changed clothes in five days. How long can a man be sad?'

"Remember all the dipshits a few weeks ago that were saying Evan is living it up, hes fine, hes just not afraid to be different like all of us?"

Yes, fish-symbol-person, I remember that.

Jack Carter and Your Father were particularly angry, scornful, and just plain nasty that people would even suggest that Evan might be unhappy.

Well, folks, after a few million years of human evolution and a few thousand years of recorded history, we have a pretty good idea of what makes people happy and unhappy. And for some 99-odd out of 100 people, it ain't (as Jack melodramatically put it) being a "Ronin". For those for whom that is a happy existence, though, congratulations and more power to you.


TTT for Tanner!

terrific trolling!

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