lol@those guys
and lol@el guapo
good stuff
lol@those guys
and lol@el guapo
good stuff
I actually have a hilarious story along these lines but I don't want to write a book
Short BUT WORTH IT version:
I'm sparring (boxing) in the ring at the RAW training center in El Segendo. My buddy and I are the only two in the entire facility. We go a few rounds and then sit on the canvas, winded and taking our wraps off.
In walks a really big guy (at least 6'4" 250) wearing a TMA shirt and those ninja shoes with the seperation between the big toe and the rest of the toes. He has a smaller guy with him. He stops outside the ring, holds his hands out to his sides and goes "So, where are all the ultimate fighters?" then starts gigling a little with his friend. I tell him everyone is upstairs sleeping and that i'm mostly just a boxer. I assure him that if he comes back the next day at 5:00 there will be plenty of "Ultimate Fighters" to talk to. Guy leaves.
Half hour later Rico (Chiaparelli) wakes up and comes downstairs with Kengo Ura. I tell them the story and they laugh. I go home.
Next day, sure enough in comes the same dude - ninja shoes and all. This time Rico, Kengo and a bunch of other well trained MMA fighters are there. I'm talking to Rico when the guy walks in and I say "holy shit, thats the guy I was telling you about!!" He walks over to me like he remembers me and I introduce Rico as the head trainer. He tells Rico all about the styles he's mastered, etc.
Long story short, Rico puts him on the mat with Kengo. Kengo abolutely EMBARRASSES this guy, taking him down at will and submitting him time after time, until Kengo just got bored. While they were rolling, Rico told me that with Kengo's Asian background he gets insulted when people walk around with ninja shoes talking stupid about martial arts.
After getting completely embarrassed, with several people visibly laughing at him, he goes to a bag in the corner to train on his own. At one point he was actually lying on his side next to the bag and throwing some weird heel kicks at it. The ENTIRE gym was laughing at him until he finally just left.
If you read this far, hope you got a chuckle. Trust me, it was way funnier in person seeing this giant guy with ninja shoes on getting manhandled by a guy less than half his size - after asking where all the "ultimate fighters" are! I guess he knows the answer to that question now.
I'm over those arguments. I stop within 4 or sentences of drivel. I've got a mate who tends to intimidate people with his 10 years of Wing Chun training. On the weekend he looked at a technique in a magazine of a standard double leg, and called it out as totally unrealistic, he started with "The correct move is to go into horse stance-" I raised my hand and said "nah man, enough".
That dude is lucky Kengo didn't hit him he hits like truck
I've only met a few, since I live in such a small town.
Most of them are kids telling me about their "Homemade styles", which for some reason, always involve Ninjutsu. Around my town, there are alot of boxing-wannabes. Mostly Italian kids who think they can box after watching Rocky.
The only seemingly BS story I heard was a kid telling me that his father (One of my former wrestling coaches and also a Judo Shodan, also wrestling coach at Bloomsburg University), trained a teammate of Frank Mir. He gave me a name, but I don't remember. I was going to look it up, but never did.
lol good show old chap.
Forum brethren, please do post your TMA/BS'er stories on here, I find them to be singularly engrossing & amusing dear chaps!
The Baron.
"no one wanted to take me down because I knew all the pressure points"--LoL!
please keep em up
When I was in high school (1985) I was taking TKD. I had my brown belt and wasn't too bad at sparring. Well in walks a boyfriend of one of the students. He was about 20 yrs old. He was wearing (I swear) a full ninja outfit. He took the mask off and asked if I wanted to spar after class. I of course agreed. So he took throwing stars out of his belt and took off his sword and put his mask back on and we started to go. He dropped into a horse stance and I kicked him in the face. He got up, dropped into a horse stance again. I kicked him in theface again. He got up, a little slower this time. He said he didn't have time for this fake stuff anymore, got his weapons and left.
great stuff! ttt
"no one wanted to take me down because I know all the pressure
"I was too dangerous and they didnt want anyone to get seriously hurt"
"I forget the name"
Just add, my art is too dangerous for competition, too many people
would be hurt and its the same guy all over the world, lol.
LOL @ i wonder how many people actually believe the shit that is written there for example
This art is perfect for all fighters and proves on video how a beginner defies all takedowns, never gets jabbed, struck, or kicked once in a 30 minute session.
A beginner proves this art can handle 2 grapplers at once. More amazing than his ability to defeat a 285 lb. Bjj trained fighter and break out of all holds is his ability to defeat 2 extremely fast and wild, knife wielding fighters.
"lol @ At one point he was actually lying on his side next to the bag and throwing some weird heel kicks at it."
Dude, there's no way I could describe it to you! It was a heavy bag that went down to the floor, I don't know what you Thai guys call them. We just call them long bags. He's laying on his side with his chest against the bag, lifting up his knee and ankle kicking the bag. What made it finnier is that he was doing it in reps - and counting as he made contact.
I'm telling you, if I had a video camera that day it would be a UG classic.
"Forum brethren, please do post your TMA/BS'er stories on here"
Ya dick this has nothing to do with TMA. This about bullshit and insanity. While doing TMA styles i have delt with many "wannabees" and been involved in a couple of dojo "altercations". Leave the hate at home please.
"Ya dick this has nothing to do with TMA. This about bullshit and insanity. While doing TMA styles i have delt with many "wannabees" and been involved in a couple of dojo "altercations". Leave the hate at home please."
So why call him a dick if your saying to leave the hate at home? oh yeah, you ARE at home!!!! anyways im sure you can get your point across without turning this thread into a damn TMA argument and name calling....
lol @ UFC in cincinnati though.
even though they should bring an event to here or columbus.
i bet he fought in ICE, hammer house FC, or the KFC and will go around saying he is a champ and shit
"So why call him a dick if your saying to leave the hate at home? oh yeah, you ARE at home!!!! anyways im sure you can get your point across without turning this thread into a damn TMA argument and name calling.... "
Good im ashamed.
Actually, this guy did IM me one time, claiming to be an MMA champ. He said he was 160 and his only loss was to his "Master" who was 300lbs.
I asked him for his name, and he said "I don't give my name to people online"
LOL @ The KFC.
I fought at KFC for 3 years and have been awarded multiple buckets of original recipe chicken and sides. lol!
LMAO Timoxen!