Anticipation for the video!!!

The anticipation for the Kimbo/Gannon fight video exceeds any anticipation for any video I can remember waiting for. Strange...a streetfighter versus what most would call an unknown MMA fighter...but I'm flipping out waiting to see the shit. The Kimbo-Mania generated by the UG is incredible. If Gannon did in fact perform the way kenflo says he did, I would not be shocked to see him in the UFC as a result. Seems like the voice of the UG is often listened to by the powers that be. HURRY THE FUCK UP WHOOPASS!!!


I really want to see this. I love the UFC. I really love Pride. But damn, theres just something about an underground style fight. It appeals to the Kumite in all of us.

Aaaaaaaaah...I just like Kimbo. One fucking simple ass video made him a UG sensation. That's pretty impressive. People worldwide are running around saying "lemme get my bread"...threatening co-workers with "The Bread Getta" as retaliation for stupidity. It is amazing. I would love to crush a bottle of booze with Kimbo and hear stories of his many valiant battles and romps with skanky Miami sluts. God bless Kimbo Slice.


PS - Massive MASSIVE props to Gannon. Nuts like a champ to go into the fight...and to pull it out, just fucking awesome.