Any guesses to UFC 231 PPV buys?

Feels like this fight is gaining some steam like the Siberian Express....choo-choo M-Fckers

I think this PPV does minimum over 250k buys. What do you all think?

A. 100-250k 

B. 250-300k 

C. 300-500k

The fact that this is right before the holidays, and after the Wilder vs Fury fight, plus Jones vs Gus is around the might take a hit. 



I’ll say it just makes it up to B. 270ish.



220 maybe 250....casuals are where the big money is and casuals wouldnt have a clue about max and brain.

BringBackGoldy - 

220 maybe 250....casuals are where the big money is and casuals wouldnt have a clue about max and brain.

I voted for "C. But after thinking about it you are probably right. As fans like us it is a terribly exciting fight but it is the casuals who bring in the PPV buys.

That is why Conor rules!

low, they are promoting the heck out of it, i think a lot of people wait until the last minute, you never know which fighters falls through

I think a lot of buys will come from Canadians. GSP should’ve been on this card!

A, around 210-230ish



High end of a, low end of B

somewhere in there 

It’s a tough one; the free fox sports cars last week had shogun; mark hunt and jds.   That could have been a Ppv 

A. I'd say 175k max



QuintonRammedMyPage -


Really smart marketing with Meek Mill and the Raptors etc.