Any other CT MMAers out there?

Well are there?

yes. Wethersfield CT. Where you at?

I work and train in Bridgeport. I live in Sandy Hook, near Danbury... I mostly train Judo but like to cross-train BJJ when I get the chance. I'm kind of an old man... Mostly just good a tapping out ;) How about you?

"Mostly just good a tapping out ;) How about you"

I have been training on and off since I was around 12. in the last 5 years I primarily trained out of Practical Self defense training center in Waterbury CT. There I focus on BJJ and JKD concepts. I also train in new britan @ new britan judo. Team Venom trains there and I often roll and coach the guys there. I haven't been doing much training lately though do to a back injury. I am training to get healthy so I can train on a regular basis - but this back injury doesn't want to go away:(

I am also with Team Venom in New Britain. JK, why don't you tell everybody about that 10 year old girl scout who caused your back injury? No shame though. She looked tough.

I am also with PSDTC and I have had the pleasure of training with them crazy Christians in NewBritian I'm sorry guys there only crazy christian in that camp.
The rest of them are Badass deskjockeys when I say badass I seriuosly mean badass.

I've been training on an off for about five and a half years.

Nice to meet all of you! Come on you nutmegers - where are you? I believe Kip Kollar might confess to his connecticut roots... Who else?

ted isn't it true that you slipped a disk in your neck trying to give yourself head???

Man... This is a tough crowd!

"Man... This is a tough crowd!"

lol - ted and I r buds and just busting eachothers stones.

Where are all the other CT MMAers?

I train with Andrew Candrelli in New Haven, CT I actually do have a neck injury at the moment from rolling-a C-5 fracture to be exact. But did drills last night-not to sore.

I'm in Hartford, H2H combat instructor (only phase 1) with the Army...presently training with RickT (he is a 2nd. in GOJU and a Blue Belt under Helio Gracie)...


I haven't met Rick but I've heard only good things about him. Did he get his blue directly from Helio? If so that is pretty tight. I trying to scrape up the cash to hit that Ryron seminar he has coming up.

latino - you still live in the rising star - hartford???

Had to chime in for CT.

Justin and Ted don't let Randy know about this forum, we need some peace and quiet :). How is he doing by the way?....Joe

jc in the house - Randy is going through some shit right now - poor bastid has had a black cloud over head for the last year. Hopfully, he will catch a break soon.

Justin. Waterbury isn't the same without you,training with guys like you,Randy and Vinny was a real motivater.CT isn't consider to be a big state but it gets pretty big when damn I84 traffic kicks in.

earn - i am planing on starting back sometime hopefully soon. Got to get healthy first. 84 sux - not looking forward to that part.

how often have u been training down there? Is there any good students left to train with? Seems like Ron has been promoting a lot of people lately.

Dude Ron needs guys like you back again He has a prety decent size class but these guys dont seem like the type that like to bang out a couple rounds if you what I mean.He told me the otherday that he really doesn't care about training fighters anymore.Becuase others come and go on him so manytimes that its just not worth the energy investment.That he would just rather teach the science of JKD and keeping building up his KunTao folowing.

As far people go Steve Chipman is still down there,he always been a tough one.Big Dave just had cancer surgery.Tony Tramatano is in pretty bad shape form stomach cancer surgery.Vinny is training down in Derby with some guy named Fabiano.He basically just wants to do straight up grappling.

I go down there once or twice a month to just keep in touch with Ron.I ve been sparrng alot with Chris Smith and this other guy Daryl thats been boxing for a long time.

The place hasn't been the same since it was upstairs.