Any schools near Scott Trade Center in St. Louis?

 Any schools near Scott Trade Center in St. Louis that are open to guests? Going next week for the NCAA Championships (can't freaking wait) Would like to drop in a class or two.

Thanks in advance.

North broadway Brazilian jiu jitsu is off of vandeventer. It's ran by bryan Guidry who is a rodrigo vaghi bb. Call and see what they can do for you Phone Post

Depending on how far you are willing to drive, your best choice would be rodrigo vaghi's school. About 15 minutes away from scottrade Phone Post

beastmode26 -  Depending on how far you are willing to drive, your best choice would be rodrigo vaghi's school. About 15 minutes away from scottrade Phone Post

 Not sure. I think we are staying kinda far away. Coming from GA. So we have like 15 guys in 3 trucks. I will be solo as far as the training goes. I am trying to find out where we are staying. Thanks for the input, I am hoping it all works out.

Gracie Humaita St. Louis is also good. Phone Post

 Alright we are staying in Fairview Illinois. So if there is a place close to the arena walking or cab. Thanks Snapple!

Dooky Belt Deluxe -  Watson martial arts Phone Post

 Nice 2.2 miles fron Scott Trade and a purple belt from my academy knows Kyle

Watson martial arts for sure

NCAA92 - 
Dooky Belt Deluxe -  Watson martial arts Phone Post

 Nice 2.2 miles fron Scott Trade and a purple belt from my academy knows Kyle

 Im pretty sure he's traned UFC before too

Morgz - 
NCAA92 - 
Dooky Belt Deluxe -  Watson martial arts Phone Post

 Nice 2.2 miles fron Scott Trade and a purple belt from my academy knows Kyle

 Im pretty sure he's traned UFC before too

 LMAO, I read the post without looking at who posted the first time. Aagr tranes UFC?

Ha! I meant Kyle Watson but I guess Aagr may trane UFC - especially with his kid! Phone Post

Serafin - Watson martial arts for sure

 Thanks, spoke with Kyle last night going to try to go to Thursday nights class :)

Comb@tV3tte -
Barry_BondsMVP - 

feels great baby lol

Minus the Patriots, those are the EXACT faces I made each time one of those teams were knocked out.

Lol me too 

aagr meant to say that NCAA92 will be training with Kyle tomorrow (Thursday).

Hahaha he may have said that. I don't always listen so well. Just ask my wife. Phone Post

 Just got back from St.Louis. I skipped the evening session at the NCAA's and took a cab from Scottrade Center to Watson BJJ. Got there an hour early. Met Kyle and he was very hospitable. His school is very much like ours in Atlanta, no adittudes, great instruction, and everyone is very friendly.

My quads are still killing me from the knee on belly warm-up drill we did. I was hobbling the next day going up the stairs at Scottrade.

Rolled with Josh Mckinney, who is a blue belt. Kid is a stud!

I then rolled with Josh's Dad. I told him son is very, very good. He said "yes he kicks my butt" so that me feel better. His dad is a purple belt

I would highly recommend Kyle's gym or to go to a seminar he is hosting. Top notch instruction.

Josh McKinney is a beast.

TheRealMKL - Gracie Humaita St. Louis is also good. <img src="/images/phone/droid.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

Just fyi, that is JW's school aka Grappling Concepts.

Awesome! Knew you would not be disappointed at Kyles.