Getting ready for my first amateur MMA fight in a few months. Was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on a training routine/schedule or any helpful tips/hints. Also what to expect from the fight itself. Thanks.
First you should wash cars. Then put wax on
Then you should paint the fence, up, down.
Then you should sand the deck.
After that your all set. Good luck
Do you train at a gym?
If not, cancel your fight.
Join a good gym and follow the advice of the trainers. Most areas have enough good gyms putting out skilled ammys that there are not a lot of self trained guys that are successful these days
I am training at a gym. I was just wondering if anyone had tips or suggestions or conclusions that they realized after their own training/match.
Soul Gravy - I am training at a gym. I was just wondering if anyone had tips or suggestions or conclusions that they realized after their own training/match.Train as hard as you can. Get your weight right. Conditioning is more important than I could even begin to explain. Have multiple game plans or none at all. Accept the fact that you'll have some nerves. That's normal and ok. Do the best you can and be proud. As far as how many training sessions per week and what they should consist of is really up to you and you're coach and will likely branch out from whatever your base style is. Grapple with mma gloves and get used to striking while grappling. Work on mixing the arts together. Work on defensive and offensive cage tactics.