Anyone ever have a Meniscus Tear?

My knee has been acting up lately and last night while showing a kick fake, it felt like two bands in my knee were stretching to the breaking point. I havent seen a doctor yet (setting up an appointment today) but my symptoms are similar to that of a meniscus tear.

I'm looking for some first hand experience in dealing with this injury while continuing to train MMA. What is the recovery time? How serious of an injury is it for contact sports like MMA? How limited will I be in terms of training going forward?

Thanks in advance for any info.

Tore mine completly. I thought my knee was popping out of joint or something. Turned out the cartiledge was just getting wedged between my joints and locking my knee up.

I had mine arthroscopicly repaired. I was on crutches for a few weeks. Couldn't start working it out really for like 6 weeks maybe...if not more. This was about 6 or 7 years ago. My leg muscles atrophied really bad. I'd say you won't be 100% for up to 2-3 months.

But if you just have it taken out then its only a week or 2 recovery time and you're good to go. The only huge pro's and cons i remember were really that having it removed garaunteed arthritis in your knee.

My suggestion would be to go to a orthopedic surgion that operatates on a lot of athletes. Like a hospital near a big university you will find a lot of them that operate on the football players. Those guys will usually talk your options out with you because they understand the whole sports thing.

But up to 3 months to repair, 2 or so weeks to have removed basically. It also depends on the severity. If its not a bad tear they will just say stay off of it for a few weeks probably.

 Bucket handled mine.  Had surger two years ago and its 100% now.   Mine was torn for 30 years before I actually had it fixed.

IrishFighter110 -  Depends if you get surgery of not.

Is your knee swollen? Can you move it without pain?

It's not swollen and I cant move it without pain to a certain extent. I can walk fine, bounce on it fine, it's only when I turn quickly or bend past a certain point that it hurts.

Somerville Bad Boy - 
IrishFighter110 -  Depends if you get surgery of not.

Is your knee swollen? Can you move it without pain?

It's not swollen and I cant move it without pain to a certain extent. I can walk fine, bounce on it fine, it's only when I turn quickly or bend past a certain point that it hurts.

I had the exact same symptoms in my left knee. Took about 1 1/2 weeks of zero training before it healed up. Now it's 100%. But I tore my anterior torafibular ligament yesterday. Awesome.

I tore my meniscus over the summer near the end of July. I also had broken off cartilage wedged in my knee. I had to get arthroscopic surgery and was only on crutches for about 3 days. I've been going to physical therapy for about 2 months now and am close to 100%. My doctor says I shouldn't pivot on the knee which underwent surgery until at least February...but I haven't trained in over 3 months and am getting very antsy. Mind you I had a very big piece of cartilage broken up inside my knee so my recovery time is longer than others.

sure way to see if youve done it is to go on your knees then try to sitback onto your heels

I had mine done and walked out no crutches, still sore for up to 6-8 months after but never bad enough to stop me doing anything. Now strangely its fine unless im laying down in certain positions not moving it,

in short you will be fine and back to normal in a few months

I've had surgery 3 times on the same knee. 1st surgery was great! I was back running 5 miles a day 4x a week. During one of my runs I started feeling a pain and thought it would go away, and it didn't. Went in for an MRI and showed that I tore the same one again. After Surgery #2 the knee was hurting in the back. Docs check for a blood clot, but was negative. went through PT, fluid injections (lube the joint), and nothing worked, pain was still there just sitting in a chair. Another MRI showed something was going on there but not conclusive.. Surgery #3 went well, pain in back of knee went away but now permanently numb at one of the incision. Started to jog a little and I could feel pain in the back of the knee again. Doc said its probably cuz that is where a good portion was removed. Just gonna take it easy now since he said there wasn't much he could do unless I wanted a meniscus transplant of a total knee replacement...

Some nights are worse than others. My knees get really emotional. If theres a sappy show on A&E, my Meniscus REALLY tears up, completely soaking my pants from the thighs down.

Got tears in both knees. Not bad ones though.

Never gotten surgery...but will probably need em eventually. But then again my athlete days are behind me.

Now I just have built in weather detector...I know when its going to rain as soon as I wake up. Yay me!

 I had the surgery in my right knee in December 2005 I was on crutches for two weeks and was back on an elliptical machine by the second week of January. I was back to training MT, and MMA in February and then fought in the begining of April 2006 less than 5 months after surgery.

I am so glad I had the surgery

Kid Justice, that is very encouraging to hear.

got both of mine scoped the first one I was wrestling again in 8 days. Was pain free in three weeks. The next was three weeks before I could train, and four months before I was pain free, only difference? I was older


 i got heel hooked in class once (even though the gym i was out didnt allow them) and my knee popped like 3 times. i couldnt twist it and it hurt like hell getting out of my car. (right knee) i stopped training for like 3 weeks straight and thank god it healed. I guess all you can do it let it heal or get surgery.

all i can say is NO you CANNOT train right now. let it heal....otherwise your gonna head down a long and painful road for a long long time

I've had tears and not had surgery. Get the surgery or you will feel it forever, not all the time, but every so often the smallest movement will aggravate the old injury. -ken

MilkManLA - I've had surgery 3 times on the same knee. 1st surgery was great! I was back running 5 miles a day 4x a week. During one of my runs I started feeling a pain and thought it would go away, and it didn't. Went in for an MRI and showed that I tore the same one again. After Surgery #2 the knee was hurting in the back. Docs check for a blood clot, but was negative. went through PT, fluid injections (lube the joint), and nothing worked, pain was still there just sitting in a chair. Another MRI showed something was going on there but not conclusive.. Surgery #3 went well, pain in back of knee went away but now permanently numb at one of the incision. Started to jog a little and I could feel pain in the back of the knee again. Doc said its probably cuz that is where a good portion was removed. Just gonna take it easy now since he said there wasn't much he could do unless I wanted a meniscus transplant of a total knee replacement...
ouch, good luck man, thats a bummer


 I partially tore mine 6 years ago. Never got it taken care of. I have trouble with it to this day. I can run or climb without any difficulty but anytime I torque the knee it feels gross. Tennis, Jits, Skiing are all finish for me. I played tennis a couple of years ago, my knee felt okay for a while then I charged after the ball and all of the sudden I felt a pop and I went timmmmber!

I first tore my left one back if 2003 and twice in 2008. First was the worst. Fastest way I rehab it was to lay off the sparring and rolling. Still worked out in the gym. Lots of linear movement exercises I.E. one legged dumbbell step ups, lunges, squats, ext. Machines-quad extensions and hamstring curls. Start first with own body weight, then when you start to trust the knee, add weight. I did these with my knee brace on so my ligaments and tendons could maintain proper alignment through the exercises.

Remember to train only to the point of tension, not to the point of pain.DON"T GO HEAVY and go lighter when you decide to take off the brace. Then work your way back up.

ICE and Heat to promote circulation and to keep the swelling down.
Hope this helps.
Oh and if you feel you can't start this with in 3 5 day of the injury, you probably need to see a doctor BECAUSE I AM NOT ONE!!!

I first tore my left one back if 2003 and twice in 2008. First was the worst. Fastest way I rehab it was to lay off the sparring and rolling. Still worked out in the gym. Lots of linear movement exercises I.E. one legged dumbbell step ups, lunges, squats, ext. Machines-quad extensions and hamstring curls. Start first with own body weight, then when you start to trust the knee, add weight. I did these with my knee brace on so my ligaments and tendons could maintain proper alignment through the exercises.

Remember to train only to the point of tension, not to the point of pain.DON"T GO HEAVY and go lighter when you decide to take off the brace. Then work your way back up.

ICE and Heat to promote circulation and to keep the swelling down.
Hope this helps.
Oh and if you feel you can't start this with in 3- 5 day of the injury, you probably need to see a doctor BECAUSE I AM NOT ONE!!!

I had my knee scoped back in 04.

It's quite an easy procedure as far as surgeries go.

Feels 100% today.