Anyone going to GQ VA July 9-10???

Anyone going to this tourny? Email me at

David Aguzzi


you have mail

anyone wana drive down??

come on it'll be fun, we'll have sing-alongs

hey aguzzi !

are you coming to toronto for the GTA open ?


I don't think I'm going down to the GTA :(

Nothing better than a sing-along folks

Jiuchick is a talented grappler, but there is probably a reason she doesn't have a record deal.

FYI OAK, i'm a great singer.

i was a back up singer for the temptations back in the day..i'm white but i can kick it

CRAP!!!! I fly home on the 9th. DAMMIT!!!

I stand corrected.

Yesterday Jiuchik started singing "The wind Beneath My Wings".

All I can say is it was very inspiratinal seeing cats and dogs from three area codes put aside their differences to come out to sing in unison with her.

um actually it was 'backstreet's back' but whatever
