Anyone going to Legacy FC ?

Just curious if anyone is going to the fights tonight in Calgary ? For a smaller show their line-up looks pretty good. Lots of fights (11), a few really good match-ups. If anyone out in C-town does attend, please post results ASAP !! Thanks


yeah interested to see results too. some good sask. fighters on this card.

I was hoping to go but am not feeling well and am bummed, should be a good night of fights. WAR Bonesaw!


cardinal won main event.not sure of details though.

Any others results ?

Just got em.... hot off the press

Tyler Guzzi(loss)Tapout
0:30 2nd round
Dave "Night" Debrocke - WINNER

Shon Cottrill - WINNER
Warren Phillips (loss) TKO
1:04 2nd round

René Grenon (loss) Tapout
2:02 1st round
Aaron Armstrong - WINNER

Adam Farr - WINNER
Peter Adamcik (loss) KO
3:50 2nd round

Ken Carr - WINNER
Steve Bell (loss) TKO
couldn't answer the bell for the 3 rd.

Benny Mawson (loss) Tapout
2:20 3rd rd
Dami Egbeyemi - WINNER

Chris Enns (loss)Tapout
:58 1st rd
Max Dalsin - WINNER

Jenna King (loss) TKO
3:04 1st rd
Theresa Doerksen - WINNER

Kurt Southern (loss) Tapout
1:50 1st rd
Brad Cardinal - WINNER

Did the Lorenz/Laporte fight happen ?

no.lorenz pulled out due to injury.tough night for saskatoon boys.

Congrats to Brad .

I heard another fight was dropped because the fighter lost way WAY tooooo much weight in toooo short a time and was feeling the effects

And Cardinal won the LFC title.... nice belt around that waist of his.

Can anyone give a description of the Cardinal/Southern fight ?

and the Cotrill/Phillips fight if possible.

Benny Mawson (loss) Tapout
2:20 3rd rd
Dami Egbeyemi - WINNER

Congrats Dami!!

ttt for a couple fight descriptions !


 i missed that fight!! i heard about it though. props to my boy Dami who won an awesome fight over a very game and very underestimated Benny Mawson. It was a great fight. Both guys had to dig deep to keep going, they were all over the place. Fortunately, thanks to my intimidating stare, Dami was able to pull out the win for fear of what would happen to him if he lost.

Fuck im sexy and intimidating!

How did the Cardinal/Southern fight go/end ?

 Cardinal by armbar. Kurt was in Brads guard and tried compressing Brad to work a guard pass. In the process of doing so he basically popped his head out and left his arms in. He kept Brad compressed at first which was the right thing to do, but Brad was able to move his head and hips out and gave him the angle he needed to to decompress and extend his hips for a nice armbar.

Thats how i remember it anyways.