Anyone have current Pan Am Results

Post them here or a link please.




A bunch of blue/purple/brown belts won thier weight/age divisions.

Some will say that some of the winners of the division were way overdue for a promotion, or what one would call sandbagging. A couple of people complained about bad refs.

That is what I see in my crystal ball.

I saw a guy listed as a white belt named John Ruffo and he has won 3 +
tournaments in the last year 1/2 as a white, should have been
promoted long ago IMO.


ttt for results


"I saw a guy listed as a white belt named John Ruffo and he has won 3 + tournaments in the last year 1/2 as a white, should have been promoted long ago IMO."

is there a white belt division? i thought the lowest division in the pan ams was blue

They had a white belt division this year.

Oh yeah I forgot to look in my crystal ball on Friday nights whitebelt results. But here it is.

Some whitebelts belts won thier weight/age divisions.

Some will say that some of the winners of the division were way overdue for a promotion, or what one would call sandbagging. A couple of people complained about bad refs.

My crystal ball wont let me view the womens or blackbelt competition so I will have to go down there myself.

Devildawg, I was hoping you died in your sleep.


Found a few on the Jiu Jitsu gear forum, the link is in another thread.

roger Gracie won the absolute but lost the super heavy.

Dunno man, there are 4 pages of results here, see if your friends are mentioned.

All I know is that Galvao won gold and Mike Fowler won silver.

Why you gotta get all mad? All I did was tell the truth, that happens every Pan Am, Im sorry my crystal ball couldnt be more specific with the names of who won.

I'm over it, but still have not seen the results.