Anyone Hear The Fart?

Sorry but LMAO. Sad this is my only thread related to Bushido but did you guys hear the fart in Almeida's match I think it was. With like 30-60 seconds to go. Cracks me up every time I listen to it. Can't believe it hasn't been posted.

Haven't seen the PPV...

Sorry to ruin it for you.

I'm not even going to waste my money on that pro wrestling bullshit anyway.... I can wait until the next round of the GP.


The fart was legit.

Tell me you heard it pulsar! Check your tape if not.

The fart was legit.

- ha!

So it came from that new Pride announcer? Merallo Renallo? (or whatever the fuck his name is)

I think one of the fighters. The camera was in close and you could hear breathing. Then they moved and someone let one.

is bas out

I heard it buddy, was funny as!

I guess it wasn't a stink fart or else a red card would have been issued. If it was done on purpose then it would be an effective way to keep the fight on the feet instead of on the ground.

LMAO, that's great

They issue a brown card for that one.

bro I watched the replay last night and I seriously thought I heard one of them let one go, I was lit though and thought I was tripping.


With as quite as Pride gets, I have often wondered when this would happen. That would be awesome to eat lots of bean and throw your opponent off with ass blast.

Could someone post a quick clip????? That would be the best!