Anyone hear about this?
Anyone hear about this?
damn, damn, DAAAAAAAAMN!
correct. not until 2009.
they MAY come in 2009.
the DCCA must execute a number of procedures according to a timeline set forth in Act 279 / HB 1866. if the DCCA meets these deadlines, the MMA regulation law CAN go into effect by July 2009.
if i was a betting man, i would guess that DCCA does not meet these deadlines...thereby delaying the implementation of the MMA regulations...and delaying the UFC's eventual Hawaiian invasion.
i heard that the WEC may come as early as THIS year.
WHat do you think about the fights being at the Aloha stadium?
i have never been to Aloha Stadium for a sporting event.
i would be lost as to what to do.
spent about 16 years there as a vender though.
Aloha Stadium is a terrible venue for MMA.
Halawa Valley is notorious for spontaneous rain. not good for MMA.
if UH does build a west-side campus and stadium...THAT would be ideal.