Anyone know what that Cruz interview was all about

Hans hates Tito too. I made a comment about his head looking like Tito’s a while back and Hans got super offended 

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sockeye -

Hans hates Tito too. I made a comment about his head looking like Tito’s a while back and Hans got super offended 

I'd get offended if you compared my head to Tito's

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Must've been a buffet.

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The lights go off early in Sedona



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That is a very unfortunate photo.

Apple tell us some good shit on this dork 

Thought there would be a photoshop of Cruz in the bike basket like ET by this point.

Guess that was a heavy ass meal and Apple got the itis and left us hanging

Or maybe he just has nothing on the situation at all

Apple, tell us the deets, you fuck!!!

P.S. Dont beat me up. 


I’ve always thought Hans was a weird hanger on. But, I had heard from fighters that they liked him and he helped them out. Wondering if my instincts were right.

Like others, I thought his name was a joke play on Hans Moleman for a long time.


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Hans is a mega donkey who thinks he combined action sports and combat sports first, when he has just been following my lead for 15 years

He stole the monster mma program from me

He forces monster athletes to promote Triumph for free 

He forces them to pretend to spar with him

He forces them to share videos of him

He forces monster employees to make "highlight" vids of him doing lame shit

He buys monster heavy bags and mma gear from himself with monsters money at inflated prices

Im pretty sure he is double dipping by getting a kickback from certain fighters/managers from their salaries

He fought a short, chubby, literally retarded looking dork in muay thai and acted like he beat CroCop

He's corrupt and double dipping, fuck him

Plus hes just a dork who wishes he was the guy.

None of these athletes would talk to him if he wasnt holding the checkbook


So know why Dom Cruz and him had a sudden falling out?

sockeye -

So know why Dom Cruz and him had a sudden falling out?

Did u read my post? It wasnt sudden

Erik Apple -

Hans is a mega donkey who thinks he combined action sports and combat sports first, when he has just been following my lead for 15 years

He stole the monster mma program from me

He forces monster athletes to promote Triumph for free 

He forces them to pretend to spar with him

He forces them to share videos of him

He forces monster employees to make "highlight" vids of him doing lame shit

He buys monster heavy bags and mma gear from himself with monsters money at inflated prices

Im pretty sure he is double dipping by getting a kickback from certain fighters/managers from their salaries

He fought a short, chubby, literally retarded looking dork in muay thai and acted like he beat CroCop

He's corrupt and double dipping, fuck him

Plus hes just a dork who wishes he was the guy.

None of these athletes would talk to him if he wasnt holding the checkbook

Wait, hold on.

What sides did you get with the skirt steak?

Erik Apple -

Hans is a mega donkey who thinks he combined action sports and combat sports first, when he has just been following my lead for 15 years

He stole the monster mma program from me

He forces monster athletes to promote Triumph for free 

He forces them to pretend to spar with him

He forces them to share videos of him

He forces monster employees to make "highlight" vids of him doing lame shit

He buys monster heavy bags and mma gear from himself with monsters money at inflated prices

Im pretty sure he is double dipping by getting a kickback from certain fighters/managers from their salaries

He fought a short, chubby, literally retarded looking dork in muay thai and acted like he beat CroCop

He's corrupt and double dipping, fuck him

Plus hes just a dork who wishes he was the guy.

None of these athletes would talk to him if he wasnt holding the checkbook

So like an mma dan bilzerian?


Erik Apple -

Hans is a mega donkey who thinks he combined action sports and combat sports first, when he has just been following my lead for 15 years

He stole the monster mma program from me

He forces monster athletes to promote Triumph for free 

He forces them to pretend to spar with him

He forces them to share videos of him

He forces monster employees to make "highlight" vids of him doing lame shit

He buys monster heavy bags and mma gear from himself with monsters money at inflated prices

Im pretty sure he is double dipping by getting a kickback from certain fighters/managers from their salaries

He fought a short, chubby, literally retarded looking dork in muay thai and acted like he beat CroCop

He's corrupt and double dipping, fuck him

Plus hes just a dork who wishes he was the guy.

None of these athletes would talk to him if he wasnt holding the checkbook

I was at soboba for that. Seeing Chael, Rampage,TJ, etc all make the trip to san fucking jacinto was odd to me. 

Then the fight was just really sad.