1500 isnt really indicative of crazy doses of test. Ive heard of guys getting tested at 2500-3k on 500mg a week of prop.
5pointer - 1st pic was after affliction or right before. Where he was not yet"on" trt. Its funny ppl point to affliction fights as "natural" Vitor
Don't get me wrong,I hug VB
He looked nothing like he did against Anderson as he did in affliction at 185. Ppl say he was in trt for Anderson but he was not .. he was serms trying recover natural test... I'm n the know
Hi Vitor
Hes dropping to 170!
whoabro - 1500 isnt really indicative of crazy doses of test. Ive heard of guys getting tested at 2500-3k on 500mg a week of prop.It's indicative of a level that allowed him not to look a deflated balloon.
inf0 - internet expertsBasic human anatomy bro.
Even if he does not look bad. Having such a low testosterone he will be a far cry from the Vitor in 2013.
You just can't train and recouperate with test levels at 127.
I think he will have injuries coming into this as well.
^^ clearly benefitted from the Mohawk IMO
Where are the top pics from?
To be fair he looked soft before his bout with Franklin and he made short work of him but Weidman is a much tougher match up.
5pointer - 1st pic was after affliction or right before. Where he was not yet"on" trt. Its funny ppl point to affliction fights as "natural" Vitor
Don't get me wrong,I hug VB
He looked nothing like he did against Anderson as he did in affliction at 185. Ppl say he was in trt for Anderson but he was not .. he was serms trying recover natural test... I'm n the know
So you are sayig that Vitor an perfrom with test levels at 124?
Lanceness021 -He only looked soft because Jesus was on the side of his shorts. He now rocks it in the front witch shows full commitment to him and Jesus helped him look like that and not trt.HYBRIDFIGHTER -
Where are the top pics from?
To be fair he looked soft before his bout with Franklin and he made short work of him but Weidman is a much tougher match up.
CowboyIsMillersSandman - Are you sure that isn't a picture from him in the 90's. Seriously that's a disturbing change.Stoooopid! I have paid for my blue, never can post links but... Here is Vitor in aforementioned time.
Wasn't he heavier and softer for the Franklin fight because it ended up happening on short-ish notice? I remember Vitor offering to fight Fedor when Barnett dropped out, and then getting signed to the UFC shortly thereafter. And then he fought Franklin at 195.
Obviously the man has his history of gear abuse, and I'm not saying that's not the case here as well. But he's also significantly less tan(and darker skin shows muscle tone better) and less accustomed to the weight class 5 years ago than he has been recently. I'm not sure it's fair to chalk up his difference in physique to TRT, because let's be honest: it's likely he was using gear back when he was in Affliction as well.
First pic looks like the 2009-2011 era, between the Rich and Anderson fights.
But yes, he obviously has a perfect diet to go along with TRT and that helped his physique tremendously.
And no disrespect to any of these guys because they are/were all great fighters.
But Forrest, Hendo, Chael, have never been known for their physique.
Vitor has-even the pictures of him before he was documented as taking TRT (2007-2011ish), he still looked pretty jacked.
I would consider him far more athletic than any of those guys listed-with or without TRT.
whoabro - 1500 isnt really indicative of crazy doses of test. Ive heard of guys getting tested at 2500-3k on 500mg a week of prop.
I watched a youtube video of a guy who's natural bodybuilder, the video was basically a juicer looks at him and says what he'd put him on if he wanted to compete. For test he said between 5000-6000. Naturally for someone of his age he'd be 300-900.
Video i'm talking about here.
whoabro - 1500 isnt really indicative of crazy doses of test. Ive heard of guys getting tested at 2500-3k on 500mg a week of prop.It's 25% extra on top of the absolute MAXIMUM that is permitted by the athletic commission
inf0 - internet experts.
rockwell -What he's saying is that it's nothing when talking about "juicing" the tamest of body building stacks would have you take like 500mg a week of test which would put you over 3000. 1500 doesn't just turn you into a monster. Working out and eating does 1500 vs 1000 would be very minimal advantagewhoabro - 1500 isnt really indicative of crazy doses of test. Ive heard of guys getting tested at 2500-3k on 500mg a week of prop.It's 25% extra on top of the absolute MAXIMUM that is permitted by the athletic commission
The secret had always been his red fight shorts. Without those he is fucked