tinking about getting a pair, seems like the closes thing to bare feet and i dont trust funky ass mat's.
dont want to roll or kick anything in socks and I cant stand rolling in wrasslin shoes.
thoughts/reviews...anybody use em?
thanks nukkas
My girlfriend has a pair and wears them to the gym. She loves 'em. She says her feet and calves feel stronger.
I wouldn't roll in them but I do use them for strength training. Train as you compete... in bare feet!
I swear by vibrams. Those things changed running from a chore to an enjoyable experience. I wouldn't roll in them, but for running/lifting/etc. they are more than worth the price of purchase.
I just bought two more pairs. They are awesome for everything EXCEPT rolling.
I wear them all the time, keeping 6 pairs in rotation. Running, lifting, biking, everything. They are, not very good for jiu jitsu. just my opinion.
classics or kso
depends on what you're doing. KSOs for hiking/trail running. Classics are fine for regular running or lifting.
Nagster5 - depends on what you're doing. KSOs for hiking/trail running. Classics are fine for regular running or lifting.
This is good info, I've been barefoot running on vacation while I had access to a beach and want to continue now that I'm home, but that won't be on a beach :(
Classics stay on good with no strap while running?
sparkyman -Nagster5 - depends on what you're doing. KSOs for hiking/trail running. Classics are fine for regular running or lifting.
This is good info, I've been barefoot running on vacation while I had access to a beach and want to continue now that I'm home, but that won't be on a beach :(
Classics stay on good with no strap while running?
They stay on great for me.
ok, thanks for the info everyone.
notsobigmike -ChangoBravo - I just bought two more pairs. They are awesome for everything EXCEPT rolling.
I wear them all the time, keeping 6 pairs in rotation. Running, lifting, biking, everything. They are, not very good for jiu jitsu. just my opinion.
Why are they terrible for rolling? The only thing that seems obvious to me is vulnerability for foot locks.
1. They wouldn't stay on with all the friction
2. Why? Just get wrestling shoes
I love them for most things but your toes can slip out when wrestling around.
only thing gayer than BJJ, is BJJ in vibram 5 fingers...
I've heard great things about them but they look so weird.
Nagster5 -notsobigmike -ChangoBravo - I just bought two more pairs. They are awesome for everything EXCEPT rolling.
I wear them all the time, keeping 6 pairs in rotation. Running, lifting, biking, everything. They are, not very good for jiu jitsu. just my opinion.
Why are they terrible for rolling? The only thing that seems obvious to me is vulnerability for foot locks.
1. They wouldn't stay on with all the friction
2. Why? Just get wrestling shoes
Nagster is correct. I have the classics, that have the draw string in the back to keep them tight. This works wonderfully for almost everything.
Now consider BJJ. stop for minute and imagine all the postions you would do where the top of your foot drags along your opponent, or your other foot. Ankles forcebly uncrossed when your guard is being broken, sliding top of foot along a body for a sweep, foot sliding across a body when transitioning from knee-on-beely to an armbar,etc.etc.
These were a few of many instances where the vibrams popped off at the heel.
I love em for running and wear them all the time just walking around, but they're no good for training. If there's ANY amount of moisture on the mat at all they get zero traction and you're gonna go for a ride.
these guys do
I ordered two pairs and can't fit my toes in properly. Had to send them back.
I just finished a half marathon on Sunday and am going to start training in water socks now.
BTW, some older dude about 65 passed me at mile 11 wearing Vibram five fingers.
sparkyman - I ordered two pairs and can't fit my toes in properly. Had to send them back.
I just finished a half marathon on Sunday and am going to start training in water socks now.
Does that not mean you just bought the wrong size?