Anyone want to screenname bet?

I will even pick Lutter to win... (I know I am asking for trouble).

any bluenamer want to screenname bet?

Winner picks losers name and loser has to keep it until the next UFC...

Ill take that way Silvas gonna lose

Ok haha bet is on TooRude...

pick my name (i know i will most likely lose but i always go for the underdog... even if he is a fatass)

Cap: who did you pick?

want to help me come up with a s/n name just incase I magically win this bet?

I'm thinking KitCopesMyHero or BeatByAFatGuy

that's all I got so far.



Im no good at picking screennames (obviously), so hows about the UG comes up with some and ill pick the best...and if nothing by the end of the fight ill whip something up

ouch! whose side are you on here capnsavem

keep this TTT. You should go ahead and pick my new s/n. I may as well let Kirik know...

I have no chance of winning this one

Well since i wont be ordering this fight, ill have to count on you to be honest and tell me the true outcome...

TooRude: HAH! I am totally going to lie and tell you Lutter won and you will have no choice but to believe me and use a new s/n! You will never know! haha j.k

Yeah, cuz im sure i cant somehow find out the results...right? :)


So what's the name gonna be?

TTT, go ahead and pick out my new name...

Im gonna go with SilvasSteamyPile pleasure doin buisness with ya :)

ok... i will post a bulletin now

TTT for the new name


TTT did you mail him yet?

SilvasSteamyPile-this fight did not work out in my favor either